hey there, was thinking of coming back after almost 8 months of stop but it is worth it? or the game/server is dead? another question is if i have to use premium service or not.. with mentor i have 200% xp (same as pa) so 1-86 isnt a problem..but then..what?? (it) se c'è qualche ita che mi fa un resoconto anche in pm è cosa gradita, tanto per sapere se c'è ancora qualcuno!
well, i play here all this time and i like it. server is not as full as it used to be in the 1st month but it has enough people to have fun while playing. and you cannot consider the game as dead - many people quit l2 and went for tera/diablo/gw/aion but they are slowly coming back to good old l2. 1-86 is extremely fast with mentoring and with the increased exp from raid bosses. you can get 85 in 2 or 3 days without any problem. as for premium... it's your choice. if you play casually and you don't care about leveling fast, you don't need it. but it's a nice boost if you can afford it (it's cheaper now than it used to be). it's also addictive - buy pa for 1 month and you won't be able to exp without it ever again.
pa + mentor buff + exp from rb's + https://forum.4game.com/showthread.php?t=12469 = 85/86 level in 3-4 days
it can be done in barely 12-15 hours even without rb's if you have boxed chanter+ a friend to train mobs + some l2store items.
i have the same story as you. i played like 8-9 months ago and now i returned . i do not regret it , i have fun and i am without premium . *** premium - unless u cant spare 1-2 h a day to make ur kartia i dont see reason for premium i never go and farm mobs for exp so... good luck and welcome back .
more like welcome back from life pa is a must in my opinion, also considering everybody is leveling dual-class its easy to find party at any level