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Glory Days Patch Notes

Discussion in '2011 ~ 2017' started by Insomnia, Nov 19, 2012.

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  1. Insomnia

    Insomnia User

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  2. Insomnia

    Insomnia User

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    classes and skills


    new skills

    sigel knights and aeore healers have become more efficient against monsters. iss enchanter has obtained a new skill.

    classnew skilleffectsigel knighttrue vanguardincreased damage to monsters by 50%, increased mp consumption for physical skills by 30%.aeore healersuperior inquisitionincreased damage to monsters by 50%, increased mp consumption for magical skills by 30%.sigel knightsuperior sword/blunt weapon masterywhen a sword/blunt is equipped, p.atk., m.atk. and atk.spd. are increased. during an attack, there is a certain chance that the power and critical rate of a physical skill will be increased.

    changes to skills

    1. some skill effects and settings have been changed for sigel knights and aeore healers.

    classskillseffect changessigel knightshield chargecooldown is decreased from 6 seconds to 5 seconds. last judgmentcooldown is decreased from 6 seconds to 5 seconds. justice punishmentcooldown is decreased from 7 seconds to 5 seconds. gust bladecooldown is increased from 7 seconds to 10 seconds.aeore healermark of lumiskill range is increased from 600 to 900. dark veilskill no longer decreases aggression.
    casting time is decreased.
    skill range is increased from 600 to 900.
    cooldown is decreased from 4 seconds to 2 seconds.
     dark circlecasting time is decreased.
    skill range is increased from 600 to 900.
    cooldown is decreased from 15 seconds to 6.7 seconds.
     dark raincooldown is decreased from 7 seconds to 6.7 seconds. dark forcecasting time is decreased.
    skill range is decreased from 600 to 400.
    cooldown is increased from 4 seconds to 10 seconds.

    2. the harmony skill effect for iss enchanters has been altered in the following way:

    skillskill changeswarrior's harmonyfor 30 minutes increases the selected party member's p. atk. by 35%, p. critical damage by 35%, p. critical rate by 100%, atk. spd. by 8%, m. atk. by 16%, casting spd. by 8%, and spd. by 8.wizard's harmonyfor 30 minutes increases the selected party member's m. atk. by 40%, m. critical rate by 100%, casting spd. by 8%, p. atk. by 8%, atk. spd. by 8%, speed by 8, m. def. by 14%, and mp recovery bonus by 20%. also decreases mp consumption for magical skills by 15%, mp consumption for physical skills by 5%, and skill cooldown by 20%.

    3. pride of kamael can now only be used on self, and duration is increased from 3 minutes to 5 minutes.

    4. a penalty of decreased casting spd. now applies to the following classes if a crossbow item is equipped:

    • feoh wizard
    • wynn summoner
    • aeore healer

    5. characters now attack automatically after using these skills:

    classskilltyrr warriorhurricane blaster
    jump attack
    infinity strike
    hurricane storm
    othell rogueuppercut
    yul archerlure shot
    recoil shot
    multiple arrow
    heavy arrow rain
    slow shot

    6. feoh wizard: while using the double casting skill, the following skills have been adjusted to be affected by the equipped weapon's item attribute:

    • elemental spike
    • elemental crash
    • elemental destruction
    • elemental blast

    bug fixes

    • the poison zone skill application rate setting has been corrected.
    • the unbind skill now cancels the death breath effect.
    • the lute melody skill description has been changed to include a clear explanation of enhanced effects.
    • the speed decrease value in the entangle-type enhanced time bomb skill explanation has been corrected.
    • the problem due to which hp recovery decrease was displayed on the buff list while using chain galaxy has been fixed.
    • the bug due to which the increased duration was not shown when the spirit of nabiarov was increased has been fixed.
    • the problem due to which the p. critical rate would not increase when the weapon maintenance effect was applied with dual blunt weapons equipped has been fixed.
    • the problem due to which the icon for the contagion skill would appear inactive even when the conditions for its use had been satisfied has been fixed.
    • the problem due to which pk count and reputation scores would not be affected when killing characters with certain skills has been fixed.
    • the problem due to which skills such as increase range and sharpshooting would not apply when equipped with an r-grade or higher weapon has been fixed.
    • the problem due to which the casting bar would not display correctly for the first skill used since logging on has been fixed.
    • the problem of the talisman (r-grade) - remove debuff skill using an abnormal slot like a buff skill has been fixed.



    1. dual class skill certificates allow you to customize your character with special dual class-only skills. certificates can be obtained upon reaching levels 85, 90, 95, and 99 through the certificate npc trandon. trandon can also reset your character's dual class certificate skills.

    the following passive dual class certificate skills cost 1 certificate each:

    skillskill levelskill effectdual – p. atk. / m. atk. increase1p. atk. +3%, m. atk. +4% 2p. atk. +6%, m. atk. +9% 3p. atk. +9%, m. atk. +13% 4p. atk. +12%, m. atk. +18%dual – p. def. / m. def. 1p. def. +3%, m. def. +3% 2p. def. +6%, m. def. +6% 3p. def. +9%, m. def. +9% 4p. def. +12%, m. def. +12%dual – atk. spd. / casting spd. increase1atk. spd. +3%, casting spd. +3% 2atk. spd. +6%, casting spd. +6% 3atk. spd. +9%, casting spd. +9% 4atk. spd. +12%, casting spd. +12%dual - max hp increase1max hp +6% 2max hp +12% 3max hp +18% 4max hp +24%dual - max mp increase1max mp +6% 2max mp +12% 3max mp +18% 4max mp +24%dual - max cp increase1max cp +6% 2max cp +12% 3max cp +18% 4max cp +24%
    2. the following dual class certificate skills cannot be upgraded beyond level 1:

    skillskill effectcertificate costdual - hp drain
    has a chance of absorbing 5% of damage inflicted on the enemy as hp during an attack.2dual - mp drain
    has a chance of recovering your own mp during an attack.2dual – physical attack specialty
    increases p. atk. by 9%, but decreases p. def. and m. def. by 9%.2dual – magic attack specialty
    increases m. atk. by 13%, but decreases p. def. and m. def. by 9%.2dual – physical attribute increase
    increases success rate for physical attacks and resistance by 20.2dual – mental attribute increase
    increases success rate for mental attacks and resistance by 20.2dual – berserker's rage
    has a chance of increasing p. atk. by 27% during an attack.3dual – master's rage
    has a chance of increasing skill power by 27% during use.3dual – light of protection
    has a chance of increasing p. def and m. def by 27% when attacked.3dual – light of blessing
    has a chance of restoring hp when over 1,000 damage is received.3dual – giant's chains
    block's the target's physical skills for 5 seconds. can only be used on player characters. 100% success rate. skill cooldown is 10 minutes.4dual – giant's silence
    blocks the target's magical skills for 5 second. can only be used on player characters. 100% success rate. skill cooldown is 10 minutes.4dual – giant's yoke
    decreases the target's and nearby enemies' spd. by 90% for 5 seconds. can only be used on player characters. 100% success rate. skill cooldown is 10 minutes.4dual – giant's shield
    increases damage reflect resistance by 100% for 30 seconds. skill cooldown is 10 minutes.4

    3. when both main class and dual class are level 85 or higher, the new skill dual maximum hp can be learned. the skill's level can gradually increase as the main class and dual class levels rise. (example: if your main class is level 99 but your dual class is level 85, you can only learn the level 1 version of the skill.) the skill dual maximum hp has the following stats:

    required level on main and dual classskill levelskill effect851increases max hp by 463902increases max hp by 972953increases max hp by 1,458994increases max hp by 1,926

    4. characters can now re-awaken their dual class. for this you need visit raina in talking island village while on your dual class and trade in your class and class cloak for the new ones. when re-awakened your dual class level is reset to 85, your old dual class' skills are deleted, and the appropriate 3rd class skills for your new dual class are given.

    bug fixes

    • the problem that would sometimes cause a dual skill certificate learned by a main class to be deleted has been fixed.
    • the problem due to which some skills from a previous class would sometimes remain after re-awakening as a dual class via sub/dual class master raina has been fixed.
    • the problem due to which the effect of dual class certificate manager's skill dual - berserker's rage was not applied to magic skills has been fixed.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2015
  3. Insomnia

    Insomnia User

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    1. changed the stats for r-grade and higher armor as follows:

    p. def. levels for upper and lower body armor of all r-grade and higher light armor/robes have been increased:​

    armortypeupper body armorlower body armorimmortallight armor243152 robe167104twilightlight armor268168 robe184115seraphlight armor296185 robe204127eternallight armor308192 robe212132
    added p. evasion and m. evasion benefits to light upper/lower body armor:​

    armoreffectupper body armorp./m. evasion +5lower body armorp./m. evasion +3

    added m. def. benefits to robe upper/lower body armor:​

    armorupper body armorlower body armorimmortal3624twilight4127seraph4731eternal4933

    added mp recovery benefits to +6 or higher enchanted r-grade and above robe set armor. ​

    2. increased the critical rate value for r-grade and above weapon type:

    typep.criticalone-handed blunt weaponfrom 4 to 6two-handed blunt weaponfrom 4 to 6dual blunt weaponfrom 4 to 6fist weaponfrom 4 to 6crossbowfrom 10 to 12

    3. changed the p. atk. and other stats for r-grade and higher сrossbows:

    • atk. spd. and attack range have increased
    • accuracy and cooldown time have decreased

    itemsp.atk.requiem shooter748apocalypse shooter866specter shooter1005amaranthine shooter1067dark/bloody amaranthine shooter1237

    4. the shield defense rate against bow/critical attacks has decreased.

    5. simplified the production process for no grade ~ s80 grade equipment items by changing the materials required for production according to grade.

    6. added the following new items to the sales list for merchant npc's to allow for smooth production:

    • added no grade ~ s80 grade item recipes and main ingredients to the recipe merchant's sales list
    • added dual weapon crafting stamp to the grocer's sales list

    7. head accessory pendant options have been consolidated so that a single stat pendant can apply its boost to all of the available head accessories, instead of needing a stat- and accessory-specific item for each:

    hair accessory (12 pcs.)hair accessory options (14 options)rabbit ears, raccoon ears, cat ears, romantic chapeau, angel circlet, demon circlet, pirate's eye patch, outlaw's eyepatch, eye patch, party hat, refined angel ring, refined devil horns.
    str, dex, con, men, int, wit, critical rate, critical damage, p. def., m. def., evasion, p. atk., m. atk., accuracy
    *hair accessory pendants acquired before the update can be exchanged for new pendants by visiting the aden reconstruction society member eeny.​

    8. changed the statistics and options for dark/bloody amaranthine items as shown below:

    weaponp.atk.m.atk.pve bonus
    (bloody amaranthine weapons)
    pvp bonus
    (dark amaranthine weapons)
    698303pve damage + 15%pvp damage + 15%max hp/cp/mp + 10%sword
    558405pve damage + 15%pvp damage + 15%max hp/cp/mp + 10%two-handed sword849303pve damage + 15%pvp damage + 15%max hp/cp/mp + 10%blunt
    698303pve damage + 15%pvp damage + 15%max hp/cp/mp + 10%blunt
    558405pve damage + 15%pvp damage + 15%max hp/cp/mp + 10%two-handed blunt
    679445pve damage + 15%pvp damage + 15%max hp/cp/mp + 10%dagger610303pve damage + 15%pvp damage + 15%max hp/cp/mp + 10%fist849303pve damage + 15%pvp damage + 15%max hp/cp/mp + 10%polearm698303pve damage + 15%pvp damage + 15%max hp/cp/mp + 10%dual sword849303pve damage + 15%pvp damage + 15%max hp/cp/mp + 10%dual blunt849303pve damage + 15%pvp damage + 15%max hp/cp/mp + 10%dual dagger698303pve damage + 15%pvp damage + 15%max hp/cp/mp + 10%bow1374303pve damage + 15%pvp damage + 15%max hp/cp/mp + 10%crossbow1237303pve damage + 15%pvp damage + 15%max hp/cp/mp + 10%

    9. modified the augmentation effects tooltip for weapon items to be more concise.

    10. fixed the following items so they are not consumed upon use when there is no hp or mp to recover:

    • quick healing potion
    • superior quick healing potion
    • draco's mana potion (event)

    misc. changes

    • old crafting materials can be traded in for the new kind by speaking to the aden reconstruction society member eeny in talking island village or moe in giran.
    • the item skill from blessed valakas's necklace, blessed antharas's earring, and earth wyrm heart ring can now be re-applied after 2 hours.
    • some talisman items now include active or passive in their descriptions to add clarity to their instructions. talismans specific to the tyrr warrior class now have enhanced descriptions.
    • awakened kamael characters can now equip a-grade and lower shields.
    • tauti's ring now has extra information about how attribute resistance can be applied.
    • enhancement backup stone slots no longer appear when enchanting a +3 or higher item with the following scrolls:

      • scroll: enchant weapon of destruction (d- through r-grade)
      • scroll: enchant armor of destruction (d- through r-grade)
      • scroll: enchant giant's weapon (r-grade)
      • scroll: enchant giant's armor (r-grade)

    bug fixes

    • formal wear can now be registered at the auction house without issue.
    • the issue of animation not appearing properly when a dark elf female character is equipped with a crossbow has been fixed.
    • the problem of the wrist effect not being displayed properly when some of the race classes equip a talisman has been fixed.
    • the item description for amaranthine thrower bestowed with damage up+focus soul crystal enhancement now shows the correct p. atk. information.
    • for the rare dynasty armor and earring of black ore, the resistance to darkness defense value being incorrectly applied for the item effect has been fixed.
    • the problem of the hold resistance effect not being applied 100% when using blessed valakas's necklace item skill has been fixed.
    • the problem of the quantity of aden hero's treasure boxes not being displayed has been fixed.
    • you are now moved to the town of gludio when you use blessed scroll of escape: gludio.
    • the correct p. critical rate state now displays on the item description of dynasty platinum plate - weapon master.
    • fixed the graphical issue in the shoulder area when eternal breastplate was equipped by a dark elf female character on minimal frame.
    • sword of ipos – earth and great axe – thunder are now listed in the auction house under the correct item categories.
    • the problem due to which characters could not attack multiple targets when infinity stormer, heroic power stormer, or heroic power sealed stormer were equipped has been fixed.
    • the problem due to which the character's movements would temporarily lag after using scroll: cancel sleep has been fixed.
    • the issue due to which the soul crystal enhancement effects would apply differently than intended in the case of the blessed amaranthine dual blunt weapon (damage up) has been fixed.
    • when tauti's bracelet or enhanced tauti's bracelet is equipped, the inventory upper item icon and passive skill icon are now properly aligned.
    • the number of tauti's fragments needed to craft a tauti weapon has been changed to 10.
    • the action of identifying the following unidentified items now yields standard or bound versions as intended:

      • unidentified dark crystal gloves
      • unidentified dark crystal boots
      • unidentified tallum gloves
      • unidentified tallum boots

    • the problem of big head effect not being applied when the warrior's helmet is equipped has been fixed.
    • talismans with damage reflect in their name: the name now shows damage reflect instead of damage shield.
    • draco's mana potion (event): the item description now indicates correctly the amount of mp that will be recovered.
    • the bug due to which high-grade r-grade weapon and armor enchantment stones were given instead of normal r-grade enchantment stones after using shiny draco's gift and hero's treasure chest has been fixed. high-grade lucky enchant stone: enchant weapon/armor (r-grade), acquired when using shiny draco's gift and hero's treasure chest, have been substituted for the following:

      • high-grade lucky enchant stone: enchant weapon (r-grade) → lucky enchant stone: enchant weapon (r-grade)
      • high-grade lucky enchant stone: enchant armor (r-grade) → lucky enchant stone: enchant armor (r-grade)

    • the problem due to which the scroll of escape – isle of souls: dystopia item was not consumed when used has been fixed.
    • the problem due to which using event – vitality recovering potion 20 minutes item would cause it to be consumed twice has been fixed.
    • the problem due to which rising shirt and blaze shirt items could not be destroyed has been fixed.
    • the item description of lilith's soul necklace now correctly indicates that this is a necklace instead of a ring.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2015
  4. Insomnia

    Insomnia User

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    clan and clan wars


    1. changed the conditions for the start of clan warfare as follows:
      • before: a clan war would start once both clans declare war mutually, or else the war would start automatically after a 3-day grace period.
      • after: clans are no longer forced into a clan war, but hostility counts as acceptance: if both clans declare war mutually, or if 5 members of the declaring clan are killed by the targeted clan, the clan war begins.
    2. changed the conditions for ending a clan war: a clan war ends if the declaration is not answered within 1 week or if the declaration is withdrawn.
    3. the clan that had war declared upon it can keep track of their pk count, and the amount of time remaining on a declaration invitation, in the war info tab of the clan window.
    4. during a clan war, clan fame being transferred due to pk between clan members now displays as a screen message and as a system message, detailing the clan, character name, and score.
    5. when declaring a clan war:
      • the death of a character inflicted by reflect damage is not counted in for the start of a clan war.
      • a death inflicted by a pk is counted in for the start of a clan war.

    bug fixes

    • with the changes to clan warfare, all clan wars in process at the time of the glory days launch are reset.
    • if a declaration is withdrawn, the clan will now lose 5,000 clan points.
    • when the [dismiss] button is pressed, the member info tab now closes.
    • the problem of the clan flag skill not being shared between the main class and the subclass has been corrected.
    • now as a result of pvp battles between clan members at peace clan reputation is not transferred to the winner.

    clan halls


    1. added new teleport routes from all auctionable and siegeable clan halls.

    2. the new clan cloak is added to the game. it can be purchased from the merchant npc in an auctionable or contestable clan hall, or from the clan requests manager npc, and can be used by members occupying a clan hall.

    • when a clan registers an image for their clan mark it automatically appears on their clan cloak. (a clan mark must be a 256x256 24-bit or 32-bit tga file or bmp file.)
    • if there is no clan mark registered the cloak appears plain.

    3. the following items are added to the clan hall npc's sales list. one item is purchasable per hour.

    item production only occurs when the clan hall's production function is set to stage 3.​

    additional itemsdescription and effectteleport scroll: fog of blood regionteleportation to bloody swamplandteleport scroll: isle of souls harborteleportation to isle of souls harborteleport scroll: ruins of ye sagirateleportation in front of hadel at ruins of ye sagirateleport scroll: guillotine fortressteleportation to guillotine fortressteleport scroll: parnassusteleportation to parnassusteleport scroll: seal of shilenteleportation to the seed of shilen
    4. added iss enchanter buff skills to the buff list for all clan halls:

    • horn melody
    • drum melody
    • pipe organ melody
    • guitar melody
    • harp melody
    • lute melody
    • knight's harmony
    • warrior's harmony
    • wizard's harmony
    • horn melody
    • drum melody
    • pipe organ melody
    • guitar melody
    • harp melody
    • lute melody

    5. upgraded dion clan halls from c-grade to b-grade. changed auction criteria, deposit, and functions to match the new grade.

    6. increased the hp/mp recovery rates for all auctionable and siegeable clan halls.

    7. increased the rent prices for all auctionable and siegeable clan halls.

    8. increased the maintenance fees for all auctionable and siegeable clan halls.



    • a clan that does not own a castle can now register for and participate in sieges for up to 9 castles (all of them) instead of being limited to one per siege session.
    • when a clan that is registered for multiple castle sieges wins a victory in a certain castle, the sieges for other castles are canceled and the clan can only participate in that castle's siege warfare.
    • a clan that is occupying a castle cannot register for multiple sieges.
    • added a cloak that can be used by members of a clan in possession of a castle to the castle production item list.
    • at locations other than the battleground, players registered as enemies when defending or besieging change to neutral.
    • if not present at the battlefield when a siege begins, the mark for besieging or defending is not shown.
    • the defending / besieging relationship is applied independently for each castle.
    • temporary alliances can be made per castle for the clans registered to siege them. for example, if multiple clans register to sieges of both castle a and castle b, those clans can form a temporary alliance for both castle sieges.

    bug fixes

    • changed the headquarters and advanced headquarters used for resurrection by clans participating in siege war.
    • headquaters: greatly increased hp/p. def./m. def. the cost for summoning is now:
      headquarters: gemstone b 300pcs
      advanced headquarters: gemstone b 600pcs
    • castle walls can be destroyed more easily when using siege weapons.
    • greatly increased the hp/p. def./m. def for the ward of life and flame control towers at castles.
    • fixed the problem with the chamberlain of darkness only selling wyvern food.
    • increased hp/mp recovery and resurrection rates for each castle.
    • increased the maintenance costs for all castles and headquaters.

    fortress sieges

    • increased hp/mp recovery and resurrection rates for each fortress.
    • increased the maintenance costs for all fortresses.
    • fixed the problem due to which the resurrection xp recovery rate was listed incorrectly in the menu of the dialog windows when talking to the foreman who appears at each fortress.

    contestable clan halls

    1. changed the siege method for some siegeable clan halls:

    • fortress of resistance
    • fortress of the dead
    • devastated castle

    2. main changes:

    • relevant clan hall battles now take place in instance dungeons.
    • in accordance with changes to siege methods, changed some clan hall areas from battlegrounds to normal fields.

    fortress of resistance

    the instanced dungeon can be entered on friday of the relevant week from 21:00 to 22:00 (server time).
    a maximum of 14 players can enter.
    instance dungeon changes:

    1. the instance dungeon for the clan hall battle can be accessed via brakel who can be encountered in the following ways:

      • using the summon brakel skill available to the clan leader.
      • using the messenger npc near the clan hall.
    2. the clan that kills bloody lord nurka the quickest gets the right to access the clan hall.
    3. the winning clan must then confirm or refuse ownership by speaking to brakel the chooser.
    4. the maximum duration for the instance dungeon is 1 hour and players will be ejected from the instance if this time is exceeded.

    fortress of the dead

    the instanced dungeon can be entered on friday of the relevant week from 21:00 to 22:00 (server time).
    a maximum of 14 players can enter.
    instance dungeon changes:

    1. the instance dungeon can be accessed via jacquard who can be encountered in the following ways:

      • using the summon jacquard skill available to the clan leader.
      • using the messenger npc near the clan hall.
    2. the clan that kills giselle von hellmann, alfred von hellmann, and lidia von hellmann in order the quickest wins the right to the clan hall.
    3. the winning clan must then confirm or refuse ownership by speaking to jacquard the chooser.
    4. the maximum duration for the instance dungeon is 1 hour and players will be ejected from the instance if this time is exceeded.

    devastated castle

    the instanced dungeon can be entered on friday of the relevant week from 21:00 to 22:00 (server time).
    a maximum of 14 players can enter.
    instance dungeon changes:

    1. the instance dungeon can be accessed via loken who can be encountered in the following ways:

      • using the summon loken skill available to the clan leader.
      • using the messenger npc near the clan hall.
    2. the clan that occupies the three bases and kills gustav the quickest earns the right to the clan hall.

      • the scroll: stronghold siege needed for the siege of the three bases is dropped randomly by subordinate monsters.
      • transportation stronghold: this stronghold moves from one side of the castle to the castle walls on the opposite site. when it reaches the walls, the stronghold reverts to unoccupied status even if there is time left from using a stronghold scroll.
      • in order to keep this stronghold from reaching the walls clan members must use certain skills to impede its movement.
      • attack stronghold: this stronghold must be continuously attacked in order to stay occupied. whenever it's quickly-regenerating hp reaches 100% it reverts to unoccupied status.
      • demolished throne stronghold: this stronghold can only be occupied for 3 minutes maximum.
    3. clans participating in the battle can check the siege status via screen messages.
      the screen message shows the clans which first occupy each base, the clan that kills gustav first, and clans new to the siege. the participating clan names are not displayed.​
    4. clans who earn the right to obtain the hall can choose whether or not to accept it through chooser loken.
      if the clan currently residing in the hall defeats gustav first or the winning clan decides not to inhabit the clan hall, the clan hall will be occupied by npc's for two weeks.​
    5. the maximum duration for the instance dungeon is 1 hour and players will be ejected from the instance if this time is exceeded.

    clan requests

    in order to combat darkness, the king of aden amadeo cadmus is raising money to fund the military and mercenary groups and requested the help of the dwarf elder council to achieve this end. following the dwarf elder council's instructions, smaller and bigger clans gather to create a powerful organization, the iron gate guild.

    1. there are three kinds of requests available from the dwarf guild. the clan leader can register, change, and abandon requests through the clan request manager at each village.

      • you cannot apply for requests if you are not affiliated with a clan.
      • if there are unfinished steps for a request in progress, the clan cannot apply for another request at the same time.
      • if the request is changed through the clan request manager, all clan request points accumulated during the current request are reset.
    2. members of a clan who register for a request can accumulate personal request points by hunting.
      there is a maximum limit of 100 personal request points. points in excess of this amount are not accumulated.​
    3. personal request points that can be gained from hunting are accumulated at a rate equal to the xp penalty according to level.
    4. personal request points are not accumulated when there is a difference in level between the player and the hunted monsters of 11 or more. a penalty is applied to the personal request point accumulation rate when the hunted monsters are 3~10 levels below the player.
    5. personal request points can be gained from regular hunting monsters of the lineage 2 world. personal request points cannot be acquired from field or instance dungeon raid boss monsters.
    6. the personal request point accumulation rate differs when hunting alone, in a party, or in a command channel.
    7. personal request points are calculated continuously and cannot be gained once the clan request point total reaches the maximum.

      • clan request points are applied at different rates according to the clan's level.
      • clan request points can be accumulated individually after the clan request points are reset.
    8. once the clan reputation points reach the maximum, the request becomes available and can be received via the clan request manager.
      when the maximum is reached, a screen message and notification window appear notifying the clan members that the goal has been reached and the request can be received.​
    9. items for fulfilling the request can be obtained by using the [receive request] button.

      • request items can be received for 7 or 14 players.
      • request items have a 24-hour time limit and can be used by members of a clan that has registered for a request.
      • request items cannot be used in instance dungeons or in areas where summoning is restricted.
      • only clan members are authorized to receive requests. academy apprentices may not receive requests but are allowed to participate.
    10. if the request items are used, a request coordinator npc appears that allows the request to be started.

      1. the request manager's [summon clan member] button can summon clan members to help complete the request.
        • a summoning message appears for all clan members in a pop-up window. clan members are summoned in the order they click the [ok] button.
        • the pop-up message does not appear for clan members in instance dungeons or areas where summoning is restricted.
        • if clan members accept the summons, they are transported to an instance dungeon to carry out the request. upon completion, they return to the original spot.
      2. the request npc disappears and the request begins when the request manager's [start request] button is selected.
    11. when the request is carried out, the reward differs according to level.
    12. the guild request badges acquired through requests can be exchanged for various items through the request manager or applied towards clan level development via the grand master at each village.
    13. changed the [end war] button in the clan window to [request info].
    14. the clan request – 7 members / 14 members item tooltip now has notes of caution added regarding what happens after the clan request manager npc has been summoned.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2015
  5. Insomnia

    Insomnia User

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    hunting zones and raid bosses

    revamped hunting zones

    1. isle of souls: nornil's cave

    a program to expel intruders has been initialized in accordance with supercomputer mother nornil. the living weapons spicula kamael continuously work to expel intruders.

    recommended leveltypehunting zone features  
    • nornil’s cave has been reborn as a level 93~96 small party hunting zone.
    • new monsters have been introduced in place of the old ones.
    lvl. 93-96small party
    • you can use the nornil teleport device at the entrance to teleport inside the cave.
    • alarms and the spicula cloning devices exist at various points in the cave. upon being attacked or discovering the character, they summon additional monsters.
    • the bozz core in the central room of the cave allows characters level 93 and above in a party enter the nornil’s garden raid instance.

    2. isle of souls: nornil's garden

    raid boss spicula the zero is a commander that controls spiculas and is like a living weapon at the service of mother nornil.

    recommended leveltypehunting zone features93 and abovedaily instanced dungeon

    full party
    • an instance dungeon accessible to parties (7 party members recommended).
    • when progressing in a linear fashion, the raid boss spicula the zero appears in the final room.
    • the instance zone is reset every day at 6:30.

    3. isle of souls: fields

    the black anvil guild golems and dwarf soldiers are engaged in a battle with mother nornil’s spiculas and the golem corps of dr. chaos.

    recommended leveltypehunting zone featureslvl. 92-96solo/small party
    • the isle of souls has been remodeled as a hunting ground for solo and small party hunting comprising characters level 92~96.
    • new monsters have been introduced in place of the old ones.
    • black anvil guild golems and dwarf soldiers are engaged in battle with spiculas at various places on the battlefield. if you kill a spicula that a golem is fighting, that golem will temporarily become an ally and help you fight other monsters.
    • sometimes a self-destruct golem appears near the character and uses a self-destruction skill. when this happens, the allied golems become enemies. nearby monsters are also affected and are rendered helpless.
    • the spicula cloning devices continuously spawn monsters. from time to time allied soldiers and a cannonball golem may appear near the cloning device to help you fight. the cannonball golem can be of great help when hunting monsters.
    • roaming raid boss gigantic golem has been added.

    4. pagan temple

    shilen awoke with the seal of disaster. in order to complete the great sacrifice, she has begun moving four demon lords of hell: halisha, malloc, triol, and bremmnon.
    under shilen’s orders, helan’s leader triol has ordered his subordinates andreas van halter, jacques doom and others to the physical world to prepare for the great sacrifice and his own transfer to the material realm. jacques doom has started churning out deadly insects while andreas is producing pagans and spreading them into the heart of rune.

    recommended leveltypehunting zone features98-99.solo/small party/full party
    • increased monsters’ levels to level 98-99.
    • the pagan’s key acquired through killing monsters can now be used to open all doors in the pagan temple. (the original anteroom key, chapel key, and key of darkness can also be used.)
    • increased raid boss andreas van halter’s level to 99.
    • raid boss andreas van halter now spawns on the first floor of the altar platform.
    • all doors in the area of the altar where andreas van halter spawns are now open.

    hunting zone changes

    1. fairy settlement

    kimerian and the fairies under his control have settled in magmeld. however, the decaying darkness has been seeping in and the cocoon destroyer appears, spreading the curse of darkness and corrupting kimerian and the fairies.

    recommended leveltypehunting zone featureslvl. 88-94solo/small party
    • lowered the level of monsters that spawn in the regular cocoon.
    • raised the level of monsters that spawn in the large cocoon.
    • increased the battle skills for scout monsters.
    • when the cocoon appears, the cocoon destroyer may appear randomly. upon killing the cocoon destroyer, the wisp may also appear randomly to restore the characters' hp/mp and provide them with a buff that increases their p. atk and m. atk.
    • increased the xp for raid boss kimerian (both normal and epic).

    2. kartia’s labyrinth (solo)

    • if you kill the kartia dimensional watcher that spawns on the seventh stage of the battle on the first floor of the solo-type kartia’s labyrinth, the life plunderer monster appears.
    • when the life plunderer monster’s hp drops below 10%, the boiling blood buff is applied to the character.
    • while the boiling blood buff is active, the character can resurrect at the spot of death and xp, hp, and mp can all be recovered completely.
    • the boiling blood buff is only active when the player is in the instance.
    • reduced the hp for the kartia dimensional watchman.
    • reduced the hp for boss monsters zellaka, pelline, and kalios.
    • the kartia research npc is now positioned on the aden town’s plaza fountain that allows for easier targeting.

    3. guillotine fortress

    • the following guillotine fortress monsters have been changed to the undead:
      • haskal the floating ghost
      • rosenia's divine spirit
      • kelbara the dualsword slaughterer
      • isaad
    • you can no longer acquire the proof of survival item from the following monsters that appear in the guillotine fortress:
      • hakal the butchered
      • adidaiu of the killer fangs
      • centa the standing beast
      • samita the ex-torture expert
    • the xp reward has been raised for the monster scaldisect the furious that appears in the guillotine fortress.
    • duration for the item proof of survival has been changed to 30 minutes instead of 10 and the chance of obtaining it is higher.
    • the location and amount of monsters in the zone has been changed.
    • the setup for the guillotine fortress raid boss guillotine of death has been changed as follows:
      • added a sword aura effect to the boss’s weapon.
      • the guillotine of death can now appear at any time whenever the respawn time occurs (previously it could only appear at night in the game).

    raid boss changes

    1. teredor

    • teredor’s xp, sp, and rewards have been increased.
    • the number of elite millipedes that teredor summons has been decreased.
    • subordinate monsters no longer provide xp or sp.
    • the instance dungeon now closes when teredor dies.
    • the instance dungeon resets once a day at 6.30
    • the minimum party size that can enter the instance has been lowered from 7 players to 5 players.
    • the time to complete the instance has been increased from 45 minutes to 60 minutes.

    2. tauti

    • the boss information has been added to tauti’s target screen.
    • tauti’s resistance to all debuffs has increased.
    • lesser zahak now appears less frequently.
    • the power of the petra injection – enhance hp recovery skill used by the subordinate lesser zahak monsters has been decreased.
    • tauti ultra whirlwind and tauti ultra typhoon skills can now be used less frequently.
    • the duration of the tauti ultra whirlwind and tauti ultra typhoon skills has been increased.

    3. other

    the difficulty level has been lowered in the following raids:

    • octavis epic raid
    • istina epic raid
    • tauti (normal and epic)
    • antharas
    • valakas

    4. misc. changes

    1. now it is impossible to move to seed of infinity, seed of destruction, seed of annihilation and seed of hellfire via the teleport device in a flying transformation state.
    2. monsters that dropped herbs now also drop vitality herbs.
    3. the appearance of some npc’s in the village has been changed.
    4. the location where the guillotine of death monster begins to summon followers is changed, and the summon rate of the followers is reduced.
    5. knock back skills can no longer be applied to npcs snow and haia of fantasy isle.
    6. several cutscenes in the prison of darkness instance can now be cancelled.
    7. changed the videos for the prison of darkness instance so that no videos will be listed except for the one in which spezion appears.
    8. characters can no longer change to sub / dual class in instance zones created via the dimensional treasure chest.
    9. some instance dungeons have been changed to delete faster when no character exists inside the dungeon.
    10. disconnecting while in antharas' nest or valakas' lair then reconnecting within 20 minutes will result in the game resuming at the previous location.
    11. it is no longer possible to equip or use items while traveling through sayune.

    bug fixes

    • fixed the problem due to which it was impossible to acquire two energy of destruction items in guillotine fortress.
    • the problem of the reward item being dropped outside the door when the fortuna raid boss enraged master kinen is defeated near the door has been corrected.
    • the problem of the location of the raid monster soulless wild boar not being marked correctly on world info has been corrected.
    • when the crystal caverns raid boss veridan is defeated after using its heal skill, the problem of the skill effect continuing to apply even after its death has been corrected.
    • when the bloody mystic and bloody keeper appear in the watcher’s tomb, they no longer disappear right away.
    • after defeating the final boss in the crystal caverns, steam corridor, or emerald square, the problem of the adventure guildsman not appearing sometimes has been corrected.
    • if a character is defeated in a battle with tauti (normal), the shilen's breath debuff is applied.
    • the problem of a character’s sword aura effect not being displayed in a certain place in the seed of hellfire has been fixed.
    • the problem of the knock down motion not being displayed for some monsters that appear in the guillotine fortress has been fixed.
    • the bug due to which the dialog screen could not be closed when speaking with the watchman’s assistant appearing in the guillotine fortress has been fixed.
    • the race event is no longer active.
    • fixed the problem due to which the audio dialog for seed of annihilation raid boss istina would not play.
    • fixed the problem due to which you would be teleported to the interior of the steel citadel if you used an escape or return skill.
    • for some items obtainable through hunting, changed the required level from 85 and above and above to awakened level 85 and above characters.
      • energy of destruction
      • adventurer’s mark
    • fixed the problem due to which you could summon party members by using the summon skill in the prison of darkness.
    • deleted greyclaw kutus, the raid boss that would spawn in an unreachable area after the renovation of the abandoned camp hunting ground.
    • deleted greyclaw kutus’s info from the world info section.
    • the problem of sometimes not being able to teleport to the hall of jewels through the crystal guard golem in the coral garden instance dungeon has been corrected.
    • the problem of not being able to teleport to certain areas of the battered lands has been corrected.
    • the problem of the adventure guildsman sometimes not appearing after kechi has been defeated in the steam corridor has been corrected.
    • the problem of not being able to teleport to the orbis temple from the garden of genesis area of the prison of darkness instance dungeon has been corrected.
    • the location of nevit’s herald in the town of oren has been changed to avoid overlap with the mentor guide.
    • the problem of enraged master kinen not appearing even after defeating all of its subordinates in the fortuna instance dungeon has been corrected.
    • the problem of the "/location” command displaying delusion chamber in last imperial tomb instance dungeon has been corrected.
    • the problem of not being able to inflict damage on the water cannon that appears in the emerald square instance dungeon of the crystal caverns using a bow has been corrected.
    • the problem of not being able to acquire the dropped item after defeating the seed of infinity raid boss awakened ancient fighter at a specific location has been corrected.
    • the problem of teleporting somewhere other than the entry village upon exiting the delusion chamber anteroom has been corrected.
    • the problem of acquiring negative points after completing rim kamaloka has been corrected.
    • the issue of some party members at a distance not obtaining the proof of survival item when defeating a guillotine fortress monster is corrected.
    • the issue of the sayune icon appearing or not appearing as necessary according to a character’s class mode and level is fixed.
    • raid boss ron’s name no longer appears incorrectly as “tron” in the yoentumak the waiter’s target window.
    • the re-use time for the giant cannonball item in the prison of darkness no longer incorrectly displays 5 minutes in the pop-up window.
    • escaping from kamael village no longer transports the character to the cave of souls.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2015
  6. Insomnia

    Insomnia User

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    quests and campaigns

    new quests

    1. isle of souls

    questlvl.descriptionfeaturescontact npcmysterious journey93deliver tapoy's parcel to the isle of souls.one-timehead blacksmith tapoy
    gludin village
    soulless one93defeat spicula zero and report to verna.one-timeblack anvil guild hesed
    isle of souls habor
    uncover the secret93help hesed of the black anvil guild by collecting yin's remnants for research.dailyblack anvil guild hesed
    isle of souls habor
    reacting to a crisis93help verna by stopping the spread of spicula.dailyverna
    isle of souls stronghold 3

    2. sub-class quests

    questlvl.descriptionfeaturescontact npcred thread of fate85help the mysterious dark knight by completing duties involving the red thread of destiny.one-timesubclass/dual class master raina
    talking island village

    3. pagan temple

    questlvl.descriptionfeaturescontact npcconspiracy behind doors97help priest eliyah and knight captain kargos to discover the truth about the dangerous changes occurring at pagan temple.one-timepriest eliyah
    rune township
    the voice of authority97in order to gain access to the temple of pagans chapel, help priest of light razen and obtain proof of your right to enter.one-timepriest of light razen
    pagan temple
    triol's movement97collect pagan totems and pagan's souls for priest of light razen.dailypriest of light razen
    pagan temple

    4. crumbs of penitence

    questrequirementslvl.descriptionfeaturescontact npcrewardcrumbs of penitencepk count of 1 or more
    200 gemstones b
    61with a sin eater summoned, acquire xp and collect up to 10 crumbs of penitencedailyblack judge:
    south of floran village
    hardin's academy
    south entrance to the wastelands
    pk count decreased by 1 to 3 points at random

    if more than 10 crumbs of penitence are obtained the extras are deleted when turning them in for the reward.

    with the glory days launch, any remaining quest items for the outdated repent your sins quest are removed from the game. penitent's manacles can no longer be used to summon sin eaters, but this item can be sold at an npc store.

    changes to quests

    1. the liberating the spirits quest has been partially altered:
    • the number of defeated skull dissect of hellfire has been decreased to 1.
    • deadman's flesh can no longer be obtained from monsters other than undead.
    • the quest reward has been changed from materials to xp and sp.

    2. when the following quests are done repeatedly, the chance of obtaining quest items depends on the difference between the character's level and that of quest monsters:

    • take advantage of the crisis!
    • plunder their supplies
    • silver-haired shaman
    • shrieks of ghosts
    • stolen dignity
    • game of cards
    • seductive whispers
    • cursed life
    • proof of existence
    • let's become a royal member!
    • guardian of the skies
    • 1000 years, the end of lamentation
    • dig up the sea of spores!
    • for a sleepless deadman
    • watching eyes
    • shadow of light
    • how to oppose evil
    • ghosts of batur
    • an arrogant search

    3. rewards for the following quests have been changed:

    • heart in search of power
    • supplier of reagents
    • an arrogant search
    • ghosts of batur
    • take advantage of the crisis!
    • exploration of the giants' cave - part 1
    • exploration of the giants' cave - part 2
    • a trap for revenge

    4. system changes have affected the required items for the following quests:

    • make a pair of dress shoes (200 leather, 60 accessory gem)
    • find glittering jewelry (5 oriharukon, 250 accsessory gem, 900 armor piece)
    • an obvious lie (100 accessory gem, 150 armor piece)
    • in search of cloth (900 armor piece, 500 accessory gem)

    5. all characters level 60 and above may now do the an arrogant search quest.

    removed quests

    1. the pagan temple quests, truth beyond the gate, through the gates once more, and seekers of the holy grail, are removed.

    2. in accordance with the new sub-class quest the red thread of destiny, the subclass quest criteria have been changed to level 85 and above awakened characters. the following quests have been deleted:

    • fate's whisper
    • mimir's elixir
    • seeds of chaos

    *quests currently being undertaken can be finalized through the news informer with the following criteria:
    • if the fate's whisper quest has been completed, 8 dimensional diamonds will be given in place of the star of destiny item.
    • if the fate's whisper quest has been completed and the character is in possession of a star of destiny, this will be deleted and replaced with 8 dimensional diamonds.
    • if a character below level 85 or 85 and above but not awakened is on the last step of the mimir's elixir or seeds of chaos quests, the quest can be completed but a new subclass cannot be selected.
    • if a character below level 85 who has completed the quest achieves level 85 and becomes awakened, they can choose a new subclass via the news informer.

    3. the pay your respects campaign is removed.

    4. all level 1~40 daily quests that could be completed an unlimited amount of times have been deleted along with their related items. the the news informer does not offer completed options for these quests:

    • gather ingredients for pie
    • hunting leto lizardman
    • grim collector
    • recover the farmland
    • sense for business
    • curiosity of a dwarf
    • adept of taste
    • arrow of vengeance
    • wish potion
    • song of the hunter
    • alligator hunter
    • subjugation of lizardmen
    • hunting for wild beasts
    • under the shadow of the ivory tower
    • method to raise the dead
    • black swan
    • help rood raise a new pet
    • conquest of alligator island
    • family honor
    • bard's mandolin
    • sorrowful sound of flute
    • jovial accordian
    • devil's legacy
    • electrifying recharge!
    • trespassing into the sacred area
    • collector of jewels
    • an elder sows seeds
    • magnificent feast
    • fantasy wine
    • bring out the flavor of ingredients!
    • warehouse keeper's pastime
    • grave robber annihilation
    • a looter and a railroad man
    • runaway youth
    • wild maiden
    • i'd rather be collecting fairy breath
    • aiding floran village
    • making the harvest grounds safe
    • signs of revolt
    • guardians of the holy grail

    bug fixes

    • fixed the problem in the quest journal that incorrectly listed the monsters to kill when repeating the an arrogant search quest.
    • you are no longer transformed to a guard of the dawn after mounting a rideable pet during the seven signs: secret ritual of priests quest.
    • mysterious suggestion: the mysterious butler no longer displays the incorrect information if the quest requirements have not yet been met.
    • noblesse, soul testing: the item use requirements for seed of helping are now explained clearly, and the quest journal properly updates after using the item.
    • if you possess an empty bottle for hot springs water during the noblesse, soul testing quest, you cannot receive the item again.
    • changed the part of the noblesse, soul testing quest that uses the seed of helping to use the helping tree in rune castle and aden castle.
    • fixed the problem due to which the black judge npc's quest scroll would not appear for a character below level 85.
    • fixed the problem due to which the uncover the secret quest would not complete if the number of acquired items was exceeded through killing multiple monsters at the same time.
    • fixed the problem due to which the incorrect location for the npc for beginning the soulless one quest was shown on the map.
    • fixed grammatical errors in the quest journal for the mysterious journey quest.
    • during the reacting to a crisis quest, using verna's vaccine on the golem generator now increases the kill count for party members.
    • fixed the problem due to which the divine box item would be obtained after selecting pagan blood when in possession of more than a certain amount of pagan souls upon completion of the triol's movement quest.
    • the problem due to which it is possible to receive more rewards than it is provided for in the triol's movement quest has been fixed.
    • fixed the problem in the quest journal that incorrectly listed the monsters to kill in the triol's movement quest.
    • when checking the quest content of the for the forgotten heroes quest in the tutorial screen, the item old roll of paper can now be acquired again.


    1. changed the progression of campaigns as shown below:


    2. removed the social action portion of the ‘care to dance' campaign.

    3. the campaign icon that appears in the dialog window will now be deleted once the campaign is completed.

    4. kingdom mark manager was placed in each castle's town and on fantasy isle. in accordance with campaign reward changes, 5 marks of the king per each already in possession were added. some reward items obtainable through kingdom mark manager conrad were changed:

    • blessed scroll (r-grade) - 128 marks of the king 5117 marks of a lord, 17056300 adena
    • blessed scroll - r95 grade - 552 marks of the king, 22075 marks of a lord, 73581200 adena
    • crystals of all elements - 8 marks of the king, 300 marks of a lord, 1kk adena
    • blessed scroll of resurrection - 2 marks of the king, 60 marks of a lord, 200к adena
    • angel circlet str, dex, wit, int (7-day) - 75 marks of the king, 3000 marks of a lord, 10кк adena; marks of a lord 20 pcs - 1 mark of the king
    • unbind scroll (r-grade) - 6141 marks of a lord, 13645100 adena
    • unbind scroll (r95-grade) - 26490 marks of a lord, 57765000 adena
    • scroll: enchant weapon (r-grade) - 3600 marks of a lord, 8kk adena
    • scroll: enchant armor (r-grade) - 282 marks of a lord, 685k adena
    • stones of all elements - 113 marks of a lord, 250k adena
    • rabbit ears dex, str, wit, int (3-day) - 2250 marks of a lord, 5kk adena
    • blessed scroll of escape - 34 marks of a lord, 75k adena; 20 marks of a lord - 1 mark of the king

    5. retrieve the stolen taxes

    • the transportation unit / supply coach that used to appear at the north gate of aden castle will now appear on the battlefield.
    • the appearance time of the transportation unit / supply coach has been changed to be proportional to the campaign progress time.
    • the goal value in the retrieve the stolen taxes - aden castle, rune castle campaign has been increased.
    • the carriers in aden and rune siege zones have become bigger.
    • the acquired score for hunting the supply coach has been increased.
    • increased the points awarded when hunting the transportation units that appear in and around villages.
    • fixed the problem due to which p. atk and m. atk were not shown for the items rapier of protection, mace of protection, and pata of protection acquired as a reward for providing a tax bundle to the revolutionary in each village.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2015
  7. Insomnia

    Insomnia User

    Likes Received:
    competitions (grand olympiad and ceremony of chaos)

    grand olympiad

    1. changed some stats for normal hero weapons in accordance with the increase in stats for higher quality weapons:

    weaponp.atk.m.atk.optioninfinity shaper881521hp + 25%/mp + 30%/cp + 50%
    atk.spd. + 15%
    p.atk. + 440
    pvp damage + 15%
    infinity cutter1007521hp + 25%/mp + 30%/cp + 50%
    atk.spd. + 15%
    infinity slasher1225521hp + 25%/mp + 30%/cp + 50%
    atk.spd. + 15%
    p.atk. + 612
    pvp damage + 15%
    infinity avenger1007521hp + 25%/mp + 30%/cp + 50%
    atk.spd. + 15%
    p.atk. + 503
    pvp damage + 15%
    infinity fighter1225521hp + 25%/mp + 30%/cp + 50%
    atk.spd. + 15%
    p.atk. + 612
    pvp damage + 15%
    infinity stormer1007521hp + 25%/mp + 30%/cp + 50%
    atk.spd. + 15%
    infinity thrower1983521hp + 25%/mp + 30%/cp + 50%
    atk.spd. + 15%
    p.atk. + 991
    pvp damage + 15%
    infinity shooter1786521hp + 25%/mp + 30%/cp + 50%
    atk.spd. + 15%
    p.atk. + 893
    pvp damage + 15%
    infinity buster805696hp + 25%/mp + 30%/cp + 50%
    casting spd. + 15%
    m.atk.+ 598
    pvp damage + 15%
    infinity caster805696hp + 25%/mp + 30%/cp + 50%
    casting spd. + 15%
    infinity retributer981765hp + 25%/mp + 30%/cp + 50%
    casting spd. + 15%
    m.atk.+ 657
    pvp damage + 15%
    infinity dualsword1225521hp + 25%/mp + 30%/cp + 50%
    atk.spd. + 15%
    p.atk. + 612
    infinity dual dagger1007521hp + 25%/mp + 30%/cp + 50%
    atk.spd. + 15%
    p.atk. + 503
    pvp damage + 15%
    infinity dual blunt weapon1225521hp + 25%/mp + 30%/cp + 50%
    atk.spd. + 15%
    p.atk. + 612
    pvp damage + 15%
    2. the hero-exclusive infinity weapons have new item icons.

    bug fixes

    fixed problem due to which the tournament results ui would cease to appear from the second match onward in the olympiad.
    fixed the problem with characters being moved outside the fence of the olympiad stadium.
    fixed the problem due to which the anteroom door was not created upon entering the olympiad stadium.

    ceremony of chaos


    1. when inside the arena, the new energy of chaos buff disguises characters’ equipped head accessories and cloaks to look identical. this effect also applies to characters that do not have a cloak or head accessory equipped.

    2. the appearance of armor, weapons, as well as visual effects from hero characters and ceremony of chaos winner characters do not change under the energy of chaos buff.

    3. the energy of chaos buff cannot be canceled by the player and disappears as soon as the player leaves the arena.

    4. all characters that enter the ceremony of chaos arena receive the following items, which they can use to buff themselves:

    • ceremony of chaos: attack: for 7 minutes, the horn melody, guitar melody, pipe organ melody, lute melody, harp melody, drum melody, and warrior’s harmony level 1 effects are received. can only be used in the ceremony of chaos arena. cannot be exchanged or dropped. can be destroyed and stored in a private warehouse.
    • ceremony of chaos: magic: for 7 minutes, the horn melody, guitar melody, pipe organ melody, lute melody, harp melody, drum melody, and magician’s harmony level 1 effects are received. can only be used in the ceremony of chaos arena. cannot be exchanged or dropped. can be destroyed and stored in a private warehouse.
    • ceremony of chaos: defense: for 7 minutes, the horn melody, guitar melody, pipe organ melody, lute melody, harp melody, drum melody, and guardian’s harmony level 1 effects are received. can only be used in the ceremony of chaos arena. cannot be exchanged or dropped. can be destroyed and stored in a private warehouse.

    5. there are two new items which can be used in the ceremony of chaos arena:

    • mysterious spell: pulls a selected target to you. re-use time is 5 minutes.
    • mysterious armor: become invincible for 5 seconds. the effect is not canceled if you are attacked. re-use time is 5 minutes.

    the above items can be obtained through various methods:

    • they are new rewards from the mysterious butler’s daily quests suggestion of doubt 1 and suggestion of doubt 2.
    • they can be purchased from the mysterious butler npc for 1 mysterious mark.
    • they drop randomly from the mysterious guard monster that appears during ceremony of chaos matches.

    6. the effect of the following ceremony of chaos items has been changed:

    • herb of mysterious power. before: p. atk. +100% for 5 minutes . now: p. atk. +100% during pve only for 5 minutes
    • mysterious herb of magic. before: m. atk. +400% for 5 minutes . now: m. atk. +400% during pve only for 5 minutes

    7. the ceremony of chaos schedule has been changed in the following way:

    schedule changesbeforenowmatch timesdaily between 19:00 and 24:00
    3 matches per hour
    daily between 20:00 and 24:00
    4 matches per hour
    entrance waiting list5 minutes2 minutesbattle duration6 minutes5 minutesparticipation restriction penalty:04/:24/:44:04/:19/:34/:49

    bug fixes

    • the problem with skills that allow player to approach the target, such as shadow chase and shadow step, has been fixed. they are now fully functional on the ceremony of chaos arena.
    • the visual effect from ceremony of chaos winner is much brighter now.
    • the problem with the use of the /targetnext command has been fixed. players can now be targeted using this command on the ceremony of chaos arena.
    • "the automatic use of soulshots/spiritshots has been turned off" system message has been fixed.
    • the problem with scroll: summon bratty angma has been fixed. it can now be stored in a clan warehouse.
    • players are no longer able to register for the ceremony of chaos in a flying transformation. players attempting to register in a flying transformation will receive 1 cancellation penalty.
    • it is no longer possible to use skills in the arena to give advantages to other challengers.
    • when a character enters the arena all buffs are removed.
    • all buffs obtained from vitamin items from the game store are also removed.
    • items that replenish hp, mp, or cp can no longer be used inside the arena.
    • recovery and enchantment buffs can be obtained, however, from herbs that drop from mysterious guards or herb chests.
    • when a character enters the arena, agathions are unsummoned and cannot be summoned within the arena.
    • the following items can no longer be used inside the arena:
      • firecracker
      • large firecracker
      • mysterious potion
      • facelifting potion
      • dye potion
      • hair style change potion
      • fisherman’s potion
      • caravaner's remedy

    • when inside the arena, nicknames of challengers other than you will be substituted for randomly assigned numbers which are displayed differently for different players.
      (example: you look at two characters and see challenger a and challenger b. in the view of the person playing challenger a, however, you appear to be challenger a.)​
    • all equipped weapons are disguised as s80 weapons according to the weapon type:

      weapon typedisguised appearancedaggermamba edgeswordeternal core swordtwo-handed swordlava sawmagic bluntsacrediumtwo-handed magic bluntcyclic canefistjade clawspeardemitelumdual sword/dual blunteternal core dualsworddual daggermamba edge dual daggersbow, crossbowrecurve thorne bow
    • the mysterious belt, which can be found in mysterious boxes, and the ruler's authority belt given to the ceremony of chaos winner, have undergone the following changes:

      itemeffect (before)effect (after)ruler's authorityincreases p.def. by 25, weight limit by 12000, inventory slots by 36, hp recovery bonus by 10.12, mp recovery bonus by 3.89. increases pvp damage by 5%, decreases received pvp damage by 6%. additional reflect damage resistance 5
      increases max hp, mp, and cp by 1000, weight by 25600, and damage by 8%. decreases received damage by 9% and damage reflect resistance by 5%. increases the number of inventory slots by 36, and attribute resistance by 15.mysterious beltincreases p.def. by 25, hp recovery bonus by 7.1, mp recovery bonus by 2.74. increases pvp damage by 3%, decreases received pvp damage by 4% additional reflect damage resistance 5 increases p.def. by 50, hp recovery bonus by 7.1, mp recovery bonus by 2.74, increases pvp damage by 5%, decreases received pvp damage by 6% additional reflect damage resistance 5. increases max cp/hp/mp by 500
    • characters registered for a match and on the entrance waiting list can no longer duel while they wait.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2015
  8. Insomnia

    Insomnia User

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    ui and system


    1. added a function to easily change the quality in the video settings.
    2. divided the game tab contents into communication and screen information tabs.
    3. changed part of the ui related to clan requests.

    1. added buttons to check/change the request information in the clan action window.
    2. changed part of the clan request manager npc's menu.
    • the [start request] button is no longer visible before moving to the mission area.
    • the [summon clan member] button is no longer visible after moving to the mission area.

    4. mail can now be opened and the contents checked anywhere in the world, but it remains that contents cannot be claimed unless the recipient character is in a peace zone.

    bug fixes

    • some of the category names in the shortcut window have been renamed for clarity:
      • flying state -> airship
      • transform state -> flying transformation object
    • fixed the problem due to which the character did not appear in the inventory window if the pc/npc range was set at minimum value.
    • some descriptions in the graphic settings tab have been adjusted to be more accurate:
      • target information -> hostile target's pets and servitors
      • summon points -> skill casting bar
    • fixed the problem due to which the [turn on/off the status information] button in the social action window did not function.
    • fixed the problem due to which the [turn on/off the status information] command and option in the ui settings were not linked to one another.
    • the party matching ui has been moved so that it does not overlap with the skill casting bar.
    • the problem of not being able to search in the community board tab has been corrected.
    • awakened class effects when in low quality graphics settings have been optimized.
    • changed the display party members item in the radar window to hide party members.
    • the system regarding the acquisition of energy of destruction has been corrected.
    • the description of shortcuts has been improved.
    • the problem with navigating through the community board has been fixed.
    • the problem due to which it was impossible to create an echo crystal through npc melody maestro octavia and melody maestro kantabilon has been fixed.
  9. Insomnia

    Insomnia User

    Likes Received:
    other changes

    mentoring system

    1. fixed the issue due to which when a mentee's character remained on the mentor's list when transferred to a different server or deleted.
    2. the mentor's penalty after breaking the contract with mentees has been reduced from 7 to 2 days.
    3. the mentor's penalty after mentee's graduation has been reduced from 5 to 1 days.

    pk system


    1. the item destruction penalty: when a chaotic character with negative reputation and a pk count of 4 or higher dies, an item destruction penalty applies even to augmented items. the chance of item destruction, and the number of items to be destroyed, increases according to the character's pk count to a maximum of five items destroyed upon a single death. this applies only to chaotic characters with pk count of 4 and above.

    2. the reputation penalty increases proportionally to the character's pk count. a character with a pk count of 3 or less can only receive a stage 1 reputation penalty, which results in inability to restore xp. when the pk count reaches 4 and higher the penalty increases proportionally to the character's reputation score, while p.def/m.def. decrease.

    3. when a character's reputation is negative, they can still acquire xp, sp, and reputation up to a score of 0 by hunting monsters. reputation can also be gained up to a score of 0 through deaths that involve the loss of xp. (if no xp is lost upon death, no reputation is gained from the death.) when a character's reputation score is 0 or higher (positive), killing a chaotic character increases the reputation score further.

    4. the maximum reputation score is now 500. the character's name becomes green upon reaching the maximum score. with the launch of glory days, all character reputation scores over 500 will be reset to 500, and those below 0 will be reset to 0.

    5. when a character with positive reputation pks another player:

    • reputation resets to 0 if the player had pk count of 0.
    • reputation falls below 0 if the player had a pk count of 1 or more.

    museum statistics

    • the museum statistics for all statues and monuments of each village and castles have been deleted.
    • the amount of used soulshots (r-grade) is now displayed correctly.


    • fixed the problem due to which a pet's skills and actions could not be used in a macro.
    • fixed the problem of the icons for golden lion, thunder hawk, and unison of lights not appearing in the servitor information window.
    • fixed the problem due to which the beast soulshot and blessed beast spiritshot items could not be used automatically when a pet was summoned.
    • fixed the problem due to which the servitor's pet greater heal skill effect would sometimes not be applied to the summoner.
    • fixed the problem due to which pets and servitors could be used to turn other characters chaotic.
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