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Why should I move here from NCWest?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Reckless, Dec 29, 2012.

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  1. Reckless

    Reckless User

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    hi there,

    i'm a european l2 player and played on naia for quite a few years. over this time ncwest's economical politics have radically changed, basically turning naia into some private server with all top-clans running around with > +15 weapons. up until now i was under the impression that no r-grade enchant scrolls (or at least no speical enchant scrolls) were sold in the store by innova, however, i just saw that in the latest promo these items are now also for sale on these servers. :(
    so i wonder, what are the effect of these items (i.e. the l2 store items) up until now on your servers? what kind of gear do the top clans have?
    are there even still people moving from ncwest to innova?

    thanks in advance!
  2. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    hello reckless,

    as you can see in this topic, you can obtain (by chance) seal scrolls (they turn into unidentified items as far as i remember), there is no safe scrolls included.

    average levels on server are around 95 - 98, also many ppl has already 99 level. also thanks to the frost there is no bots on the server, waiting list has usually many parties looking for members, also a lot of pvp on high-end level places.
    Reckless likes this.
  3. Reckless

    Reckless User

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    thanks for your reply.

    i mean these items: crystal: enchant divine weapon (r-grade) :)
    this is extraordinary good, you have all the reason to be proud of this feature. especially compared to ncwest.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2012
  4. Ronove

    Ronove User

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    i've not seen a single one of those yet.
    the investment, by server standards, isn't even worth it... there were a few people that wasted a lot of € on those and got nothing to show for it... best i saw were lv5 dyes.
    before you judge those boxes, by what they contain, you should know that the probabilities are very very small. :d

    ps: from museum, max r99 weapon enchant on server is +7 on weapons, and there are only 20 that are +5 and above...
  5. AOLCraig

    AOLCraig User

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    hi reckless. i to am new on the eu servers. trust me you don't need to use the im. i'm level 64 now and have got everything i have needed from either drops or evolutionary road or whatever it's called. i'm going for the true l2 experience and i'm getting it. i may however decide to up the anty and upgrade my sub as i feel i should be contributing to the server. with the prices of some stuff in the im though i am surprised they can keep afloat. but honestly it is worth coming over. you won't regret it. i too came from the us servers.
  6. Reckless

    Reckless User

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    cool :) the hardest thing for me will be missing my aq/zaken/frint/baium and oe'd top c/b/a weapons in addition to my iss, but i guess the time of leaving ncwest is there sooner or later.

    how is the distribution in classes? are healers/tanks low in numbers here as well? i might just roll a tank / archer combo.
  7. AOLCraig

    AOLCraig User

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    well personally although it says the traffic is light on server selection screen you will find an abundance of different players and classes. some towns and cities are full to the brink as you can imagine. as for getting your gear back. it won't take long if you find yourself a good clan which shouldn't be too hard. depends in what you look for in a clan i suppose lol
  8. Reckless

    Reckless User

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    i think english-speaking will be the first thing to worry about :p

    where did you end up? and why did you leave nc west?
  9. AOLCraig

    AOLCraig User

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    i ended up leaving us lineage as it got too laggy and slow to the point playing magic carpet had more fps as i am uk based. also was there since c2 and alot of the old feel had gone from game along with my old clan and friends. i am just really glad i decided to try this one. hasn't let me down. as for which clan i ended up in. it's called midgetfactory. dwarf only clan lol. we are awesome ^_^
  10. Reckless

    Reckless User

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    ugh, unfortunately windows xp x64 is not supported any longer by frost, so no innova for me :(
  11. AOLCraig

    AOLCraig User

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    thats a shame. maybe there's a workaround?
  12. Nyweris

    Nyweris User

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    €5.35 for 0.1% or even 0.01% to get that "100% +1 enchant" is a bit too much :> and our +5 +7 is reached by blessed enchants which are from boss drops... no bots and "almost"(rumours) no programs in game.
  13. Solial

    Solial User

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    it's not a problem which come from innova but from ncsoft itself.
    as a matter of fact, cheers, a cm, has posted :
    "the developers at ncsoft have been contacted on the issue and we got to know that they plan to fix this problem with another patch as soon as possible.
    the problem is not unique to europe, it's happening on other territories too. the developers are doing their best to solve the problem, however exact dates, unfortunately, remain unknown. early next week is marked as the latest."

    so just try to be patient, i have friends who are in the same case as you.

    if u search a real lineage ii server, just be patient coz u wont be disappointed honestly. ncwest servers are like high rates privates servers: ****.
    everything isn't perfect here, but the community is real and innova try to do his best despite the fact that they are just the hoster.
    i've started back lii here a month ago, and i do not regret it at all.
  14. RapidBlades

    RapidBlades User

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    personally, i still think doesn't offer the innova enough to change from ncwest to innova.

    as i told before, it is the worst thing, that the innova share up the european region to 8 smaller region what with share its player base.
    for a server need fresh blood to can work also in long term. this action make it much more harder, mainly, that the upcoming updates as i told mainly support the cross server actions.
    as i read one of most funny thing is the cross server siege well this here won't be available.
    and who know still how much content in the future.

    in another hand it is right, that in the last months the ncwest's service did decrease a lot. and somehow, but the have to make something to change this.
    the lag on the ncwest servers only, because the overpopulation. yes the bots are boost the lag too also europeans get bigger lag while the server is very far from us.

    it is fact, that the frost also much times better than the game guard, but i did see more videos, how the bots users go through the frost and make action without problem on the servers at innova eu and innova ru.

    but, might be if a const group from ncwest like figga group or jager group would come here and they would start to cheat.
    in some months all of the top groups here would use ranger.
    these people are mentally ill and just care about the win.

    they would find the way how to cheat here. also from everywhere you can hear, that the innova ru top players or groups are all on ranger and doesn't get none of them ban...

    i think the chapter 3 release date is an ideal date to everyone, to decide again, that move from ncwest to innova or from innova to ncwest.

    so, from now as i know the ncwest has new owner what will effect some positive rule/service changes maybe.
    also rumors says nc did tested a new anti cheat program two weeks ago when was the mass bans on the naia, so if it is right and they will use it, it will be a cool anti cheat stuff.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2012
  15. Reckless

    Reckless User

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    ah, wonderful that even you people know figga, hah. it is indeed a never-ending cycle. this is a competitive game, so it only takes one top-party to use ranger, to have the entire server dependent on this.

    as for your remark on the new owner: on the rochand forums this is discussed as merely a bookkeeping trick. ncsoft korea "sells" the old owning company with nothing inside while immediately creating a new one to take over with more tax tricks. all the staff is pretty much transported in the new company and for us nothing changes.

    the new so-called anti cheat method used last time on naia is very controversial: all bot trains i know either got unbanned or are still running, while more legit people are crying on the boards. it seems that the banning was directed at rmt-like activity, perhaps banning the people who direct/indirectly traded with the known adena sellers.

    as for the windows issue: i guess i should just install windows 7 some day anyways.
  16. AOLCraig

    AOLCraig User

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    so that means you'll be joining us in lineage 2 epicness?
  17. voooo

    voooo User

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    better ask yourself why shouldnt you? is it fun for you to play over there with all bots / adena makers farmers & sellers around / pay2win l2store stuff + 16 weapons etc... lol ofcourse if you have money to spend to the game so you could be able to do something in pvp than sure server is okay for you but otherwise lets be realistics without buying items over there you will remain nothing and btw i heard they didnt even had chirstmas event this year ;ddd ohh wait they had something , but you need to buy items from pay2win store to be able to participate in it ! full of jokes this ncwest is and if you re still thinking why should you move here when your just ******ed. now try to prove me wrong the facts i stated above are incorrect, oh wait u cant ;d
  18. RapidBlades

    RapidBlades User

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    this is why a lots of people won't come, here, because they just see, that you try to get players in this form.

    also, you call to botter everyone who play at the nc servers and pay2win if someone has +16 wep.

    keep in mind, that the innova is a company what have to make money for itself and for the ncwest, in the innova store not really exist anything what would be offer to buy.
    the pa only useful while u get the max level. after waste of money pay for it.

    main problem, that those who are here simply want make a community war between ncwest and innova players.
  19. Reckless

    Reckless User

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    this is what i hope, yes. :) however, it hasn't got all my priority these days (for obvious reasons), so it will take a few days.

    as for voooo, i didn't ask for some flame towards players of server x, but rather inquired about the state of the server here in comparison to nc west, especially the p2w-factor. you see, this might be very evident for you as a player on this server, but for someone from the 'outside' this might not be so clear, as the rates of these previously mentioned divine scrolls are unknown for outsiders, for example. i'm not here to declare you people as ******s or whatever. i'm a bit too old for that ;)
  20. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    i'm glad i found this thread. like reckless i have also played on the ncwest servers (still do) and with everything that happened i find myself interested on innova, the fiasco of banning legits accounts (talk about christmas gifts) and the impossible lag just made me feel very unsafe playing there and will conduct a ninja-investigation here with some char to see how things are ingame =p and if really weapons are maxed around +7 that is a good sign in my eyes. i hope the community here plays more for fun than to just win at all costs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2012
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