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Why should I move here from NCWest?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Reckless, Dec 29, 2012.

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  1. Sindeya

    Sindeya User

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    there is one crossbow 99 +7 , one bow +6 or two and two other bows+5.
    well voo made a valid point, even if a bit agressive i doubt the agro was directed at reckless, prolly more to how outrageous the situation is on ncwest. even i personally can't even enjoy watching a fraps from ncwest lately, when i feel i am looking at some high rate private server where ppl sit in towns and oe with 1k scrolls in inventory, and then they go make frapses on ranger on their char or at least in their pt.

    i knew also some ppl who went to play on naia bcus they thought there will be something there for them, but without some thousands of euros you can't enjoy the game until the end. some ppl don't play to have some high achievements in the game, but in general view that's the goal this game sets.
  2. Zairakh

    Zairakh User

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    sinde plz you're way too clever for fall in that prejudice of "ncwest = bot server".
    it just does not go that way,believe me.
    consider server background / history as well,couldn't ever had a full legit server but its former community,except few rednecks always agreed some sort of moral dealing even between enemies which i totaly missed lately on core,to be honest,the holy crusade legit vs bots doesn't belong to l2 community.

    also our friend rapidblades made names which he has no clue of (jager? seriously?! one of the few guys standing still between sh and 1side server,so yea he's evil,sh are legit,rofl....) but the easier targets to point fingers on...
    everyone had the same "degree of grey" unlegitness,there was no black and white,unlike what both sides likes to say for their own propaganda.
    and no...the "cheating degree" at the end never committed to who would win in a certain time,its propaganda still.
    in the end,gotta admit community in there is (-was-) way more developed and interwined than core's one,but that has various reasons,aside of bot-legit crusaders talks.

    happy new year everyone.
  3. Sindeya

    Sindeya User

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    well i don't think ncwest = bot server, but as far as the top groups's frapses u can see what they use, that's what i ment. my biggest problem with ncwest is their items, it's pretty silly to fight with +8 blessed valakases and +16 weps, imo overall it's a bit shamefull, that's just my oppinion and feeling.
  4. Zairakh

    Zairakh User

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    yea agreed their l2store is a bit unbalanced to a point it became pay2win,which was the nightmare of almost everyone in there after f2p announcement.... ;)

    on that i agree the most and tbh ebaying/exploiting enchantments is way more gamebreaking than botting,while the latter is accessible to everyone not everyone can spend hundreds of € in the game to oe weap/gear,so yea,in the end wreck down the concept of competition...but now thats officialy accepted while before f2p it wasn't and ebaying was righteously bannable offence,so again,f2p + god have basicly destroyed what before was an heathier community,even if flawed.
  5. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    your information is not correct, that quote from cheers was regarding windows 8, not windows xp x64
  6. Solial

    Solial User

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    oh fack, my bad, i understood "win8", dont know why :eek:
  7. syzgod

    syzgod User

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    i hope you both know p2w is exist here too. maybe the gap is not that big between normal and "top" players also can catch up them but the differents exist. f2p is something for people who wanna just spend some hours in l2 but without paying you can't get anything here. who play 10h+/day and have everything blessed stuffs, boss jewels etc. always will be far away from others. it's how this game was always and will be. maybe with some good cp people can achieve a lot of stuff and money (adena) but if someone don't do that from the beginning it's hard to get closer to the others. especially in pvp and pve too. also it's a neverending grind and farm it's how this game made even if the pvp system is one of the best from mmorpgs. there will be never equal stuffs, sides. these stuffs will make a lot people disappointed. after reaching 99 the hard rush will start for the gears, skills so people will realize this game is neverending. it's a hard question bots are good or not but i'm sure keep some people in game because don't have to spend tons of hour with grinding. the grinding is killing the people will to play more even if the god made easier to get stuffs. but it's a secret or not some "top" players bought stuffs, chars for real money, exploited, cheated, scammed. don't think core is far from ncwest from this perspective but i agree actully worth to play here if your pocket is not full of money.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2012
  8. RapidBlades

    RapidBlades User

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    look, +16 weapons, blessed boss jewelries this is in all nc region, in korea or japan or taiwan even more oed weps with blessed valakas or antharas.

    what we only can call "pay to win" item in the l2store it is the power and elemental shirts what was also exist in all nc region and at innova ru too.

    look i had a pvp against narwin in oly feoh wizard with +15 blessed specter wizard weapon, i had +4 bound weapon and i did owned her before she could make something, while she also used programs too.

    also in the last times the nc did solve very well this question. found the way how motivate the players, that buy ncoins and keep the balance.
    normally two kind of players play the l2 one of them play a lot but doesn't play more than 100 dollar per month another player some hours and may not everyday but able to pay 1000-200 dollars per month too.

    so ncoin buyer got dewr next to their coins what they could sell or enchant their weps, most of them sold it, so prices of the dewr drastically dropped by this way many active legit player could buy dewr and boost his or her weapon.

    if you read some interview with the developers, it was really a target, that the players be able to oe their weapons easier, through the cheaper bound weapons and giant/destruction scrolls.
    so, the original gameplay from gd 1.0 to echo 5 update is partly the weapon over enchanting.

    when in the next update, the bound items will disappear, might lesser amount of player will run around with hardly and freshly oed new weapons.

    both sh and dh side has its own top cheater groups, but not all of them cheater ofc, there are many legit dh and sh players also.

    but if the bot users even only on the ncwest servers mainly exist the ebay are available everywhere.

    there are more sites too, where you can buy adena, gear or account to innova eu or innova ru servers.
    so, the pay to win exist everywhere. but at least by this way these cheaters pay a lot money to the nc too not only to the seller who sell a stuff illegaly.

    after, all i try to result out normally that in which month which company gave the better service.

    it isn't question, that in this month the innova eu had much better service than the ncwest.

    so if players like reckless became to upset and decide, that start to play here partly i understand and agree.

    it wasn't a nice step from the ncwest l2 staff, that with this kaliel blessing event what resulted full servers, because a part of players always online to stand in town and farm it or did take more boxes too only for farm.

    server became to full and as the player tried spam the login, the server get and got hard lags often in prime times.
    while they did go to vacation for two weeks.
    i guess it was the biggest mistake what cryo made since he is the producer of the lineage ii at the ncwest.

    also, that he should pray the players, that the lineage 2 did make only better amount of incoming for the ncwest in this year and the gw2 (but it is fresh release).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2013
  9. Zairakh

    Zairakh User

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    you dont know things,im not wasting time trying to explain where you're mistaken.
    just this...prior god noone would speak about dh in there,even tho jager & co were there noone cared about how they played,meanwhile half redsky-exile got "too much attention" over these arguments.
    problem is that when exile-dh never claimed to be legit sh always had the hypocricy to deny obvious things and keep accusing their enemies,at least some of them....

    yea,pay to win always existed,but before was underground as you noted,someone might say its good now its no more,i see it different,they just increased the problem.
    now the $ people puts into game freely create an unnatural disbalancing on the gaming progression,as sindeya said,to compete with new "legit ebayers" you gotta do the same...but if you outlevel them by botting thats considered a violation,rofl.
    i always hated rmt more than botting,sincerely.
    so legalizing rmt and pretending people do not run trains to farm adenas is just silly,or plainly ******ed,since those store items are sellable for adenas as well (at least they were last time i checked...).
    like legalizing drugs would not decrease the addiction factor but flood the streets with more on-drug subjects potentialy dangerous and socialy worthless....

    and dont touch vally-narw,kkthx. ;)

    excuse me but this argument is broken.
    someone is free to play how much time he wants,heck i did it even 40+ hours straight back then...this does not mean you're forced to,nor that this is any gamebreaking issue as its people spending 1k € for an earring he couldn't obtain otherwise or to get,legally or not,a gear progression bypassing the former game mechanics.
    then if you can masterize game mechanics to a point to be able to make bilions of adenas and invest them in improving your gear,well gratz,you've achieved to be a good player.
    ebaying,be it through farmers sites or ingame store do not belong to game mechanics.
    else,if ebaying is permitted,why botting isn't? we both know the answer,one of the above is handing easy money to the "right people". aiight.

    my last 2012 wot!! :cool:
  10. turnON

    turnON Banned

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    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2012
  11. Francoise

    Francoise User

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    why, u missing best parts always :d

    anyway gf u are better as always in mass pvp :) but our luck that we manage to figure out how to take dragon :) so dear player if u decide to come here try as hard as possible to go to blackswans clan they own everything and if u not they will own u too :) anyway wish yo all h-py new year!

    next will be hard hero ****---->fear--->hero ****---->fear and so on....and on qq gf
  12. turnON

    turnON Banned

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    i don't miss any part - whole server is fighting vs our ally and still winning , with antharas it was complicated
    we had to defend our castles which you have lost , at the end we were guarding with 25 people 50 enemys = gz with anthi and with no castle :)

    please keep the main topic

    as you can see dear new players server is very allive - yesterday in heavy up keep , enjoy
  13. Reckless

    Reckless User

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  14. Francoise

    Francoise User

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    y u dont miss any part it was just "complicated" guarding by 25 full buffed ppl - dead (exact 48) on the ground without buffs in 2 difriend spots with 1 res good job! anyway u wining all shiet sad that the same fair tails u saying on the hero chat witch will be now spammed again that there is now not even a point to try to sell anything or lf party member coz most of the ppl alredy turned it off qq. and for your knowledge i don't deny u wining i wish u best if u are better np for me, but stop bull**** plz as u know the our numbers in cc the same we know yours, but i think the stupid propaganda must go on. as for antharas, probably we wont win anytime soon next fight on mass pvp with so many hero skills, and lvl of pvp in our ally anyway at least we trying. and its just amazing how similar situation i see now like it was a few months before when the bs was trying to win with hi and failing all the time and hi heroes was flaming blue chat all the time mostly about alarion as i remember, but now u wining and u striking back with i think 100% more hate on us, it is making just my day show who u are exact oh w8...... most ppl flaming now was back then in hi ....
    so there is no point to argue as u see u have your point of view i have mine, and i will not post anythig more in this subject. hope i will meet your p-ty in open p-ty vs p-ty pvp, oh w8 u loging just for sieges, and dragons i think. gn and wish u more respect in ny for others coz it showing who u are.
  15. Sindeya

    Sindeya User

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    actually ppl who managed to lose inside anthy from our side vs. buffless ppl were lame, that's the truth.
  16. Doomcio

    Doomcio User

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    ok so lets start :

    not whole. its almost the same numbers. bs + error + enclave vs ooc + rg + ob
    sure whole server. check that rg coming for pvp with even less ppl than error.

    good. thats was the plan

    48 ppl that were without even single buff. you mad bro?

    btw turn when i will meet you on some world pvp? since you are just talking, all the time same excuses your cp dont hav 99. cmon we are everyday on parna,soh,soa looking for you. a right, mos afk farm. sorry then. so far you can watch alone your fraps, since you are just frapsin mass pvp, nothing more. seems like you are wining only mass ?

    ohhh boi
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2013
  17. turnON

    turnON Banned

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    its so hard put clan celestial or from healers celestial and rebuf 48 people ? this is not an excuse.

    doomcio happy new year and buy satelite on our party it will help you to find us :)
    Allison_Mississippi likes this.
  18. Doomcio

    Doomcio User

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    dont need, cuz you will never show up, or if right after you, will see 2-3 more partys.
  19. Shinyu

    Shinyu User

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    so back to the original post, is this eu community legit in game? bot free? i have played ncwest since open beta for about eight years and the game is horrible in god. there were cheaters before god but the community was still fun and playing legit was a great challenge still enjoyable.

    if i want to play on eu, is there not one bot on the server(s)? is there only one innova server? or more than one?
  20. Lirelin

    Lirelin User

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    there's only one innova server, it's called core. there will be a polish server opening in the nearest future but i guess it's not interesting for you.

    is it bot free? i myself play here since day 1 and i haven't seen any bot yet. some ppl claim they saw a bot, there's usually 1 topic on forum per 1-3 months. from what i know innova bans bots if someone spots them.
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