i leave l2 nc due to: - bots (including heroes) - lags - events based on nc store i found in this server: - good events. - people with education - little number of bots - a better community. my account in l2 nc is "stoped" at lvl 96/95/80/80. i will be better playing a game with human players. here i can fight player vs player "pvp" and not a "player x bot" "pvb". rock and roll for everyone, erva is comming with full power!
well, i wish you good luck here than. please if you did play on the naia can i get your items?:d i guess you won't need for them. i did explain in any topic my viewpoint about it. i won't write down it again. personally i give big respect now bought to chronos and naia (but mainly to naia) server, how these people joined and completed the campaign was like if i would join to a freshly opened server and the players with high motivation and hope run around to finish the campaign. people didn't make clan war pvps neither worked together like as it was targeted by the developers. after also was a good feeling too, that more players did pm to me with "thank you to organize it" message or, that nice to see, that a level 99 player care about the server community and low level players. so, i think the good community exist at the nc servers too may a better one too, just in the last times people did forget show their community friend face on nc servers.
i left l2 na for the same reasons, only since i do not pvp that part is useless to me. i do however enjoy seeing real people online instead of clans full of bots running around my favorite hunting areas. l2 na is nothing more than a bot paradise run by a staff who is disorganized, uncaring and pretty much totally useless when it comes to maintaining their servers.
almost reaching 76, mostly by xp (hot springs/silent valey/crypts/swamp of screams), few by boss, i can say, so far haven't seen 1 single bot.
there are no bots, at least about which gm's or all community knows. if you find, report them and gg for them. it's not so easy to run 7/24 bot here... ofc human capabilities have no limits...