hey i made this topic to troll a little pls deepblue dont delete it i will try to not make it a flame thread ... maybe u will find here a bit of spam but close ur eyes and go away :d strange things happened this weekend friday was crucial - i needed to leave my gf and come to pc to farm oly ... hard life of nolifer saturday... ehhh jaden, jaden thx u killed me on oly - because of u now i know the proper way of buffing - lesson learned sunday - all started from big **** - and noob waves of ooc ... not cool way of farming hero - rly ... thought u guys got bigger cohones :d and last epic fight with jaden ... awesome - adrenaline rush! thx for tiring weekends and nice competition... btw next month handles/skillless noobcio for hero ? dont give him that ... his playstyle is far far away from ours. sieges were fun too - i didnt knew that ooc got so many people. zergish but still - they succesed by not leting bs take castle. ahhh ally members took giran - nice job - mayeb andromena will cry less that bs stole her valakas neck(hmmm to long hi membership - we are not kardi) eternalknights is box clan or alive one? still dnt have answer for that. ahhh and i saw today many players - ltunited - got some numbers - same shadows and majestic devils ... preety nice ... ahh and wtf is clan vikings - 172 clan members!!! everything is nice ... but still - where are events ... ye ye i know i write to much... ok enought thoughts for today - lets go finish mission in tropico. bye
oo gratz for hero, u got hero just with 1 hand... next time dont leave ur gf a.k.a right hand and matches will be clear...no adrenaline as u said...
i am curious - would u say that if jaden won hero ... propably not - btw how many times u had hero? u are at least in top 3 players of ur class ? i think not - so we can assume u are a kind of maggot that is to stupid to evolve. i am the player which is learning after looses - not quiting liek some of u.
ahh so russians were cool when they emo quited even lvl / gear / scripts advantage, but ppl who stayed to play here legit are bad. <3 this logic of some random ppl : d
quote from community: clan name; eternalknights clan level: 5 clan members: 3 end of quote. we wanted to visit also gludio and oren but too mucho time wasted on errors :| siege status in rg after around 20 mins of siege: 310/90
this 20 dmg hurt you so much? you should make a dairy like : hero tank afk town dairy : dear fairy, today i was standing in aden with my mighty hero aura and weapon, i hope that every1 on this server know im god of tanks. after 8 hours, still no1 want to join bs, maybe i will change my "standing place" from ah npc to stairs. tomorrow will be better day my dairy.
go back to over 90000000. i heard it is quite similar to ncsh1t server so it should be perfect you : )
dear diary: some handless tank is trying to tell me i am bad... still he always lose vs me and even tanks levlel 95(gz lotar). hmm u finished ur dwarf tank to get a hero on tanks? i just hope u wont be candidate for hero this month because jaden is 1000 times better than u. noobcio noobcio sometimes i feel that u didnt have love from ur parents in childhood - thats why u are so damaged. ps. next time help ur clan member better - he got not so many boxes to make waves :/
im not saying about alarion, he was professional back in the days on lancer and aswell he still is on core
doh u said me gz for my hero so i must say gz to u too ;( gz noob fenris !! finally ;;found time for oly;; dont spam hv mucho and dont kill ppl in hellman xd + u must remember our match till end of ur life from 5 buffs 4 canceled> u mad :d /btw braveheart is good too/
i remember it too fkign lucker :d hmmm i am not killing low levels there anymore - dont have time. jezz it was hard to farm oly ... i can only meet my gf in weekends and this month i was obligated to sit near pc and kill pixel players :d oh and i got 1005 pts on oly ... who got moar ?! :d
well u + hero voice is like me + hero voice =disaster of spamming so everyone pm obsess and thank him we finished 8:7, otherwise i would torture and troll ppl on hv first 2 days :d now u have just 1 troll hero :d doomcio is going for hero this month i think =d i still feel ashamed i played with cp that doesnt give a sh**t for anything except their fat ***
donâ´t pm about merge with bs, we have values and we respect our ppl. we dont waste our time with ego parties. now troll/spam sh1ts. regards
first it is not my buisnes, i mean merge or not second i believe in rules - if somebody didnt make all points which were agreed he dont deserver reward - same as in game - u make quest if u dont make it correct u wont finish it and no reward for u my friend. i can tell u that we respect our clan members. for example i can tell u that each party that join bs didnt moved to another clan. true storry. so gorron pls dont act as if i am clan leader of bs. i am normal member without any authority - i can troll i can spam but i dont have any influence to leaders decision. people dont like me because i got my own crazy point of viev - so pls respect that and stop making me guilty of all bad things that happens.
well if it wouldn't be for these **** cloaks that only 40 members can get + those who have hero status, not having an ali is the best thing which you can do: no mass agro, no aoe-ing each other, same mass res for everyone. but i guess cloak>that. it's not a thing about respect, it's game mechanics and **** cloak.
some my friends from error told me they must buy drops from epics for adena ... (standart price - 10 % discount) true or myth?