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About Scamers and lineage 2 drop system

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Tekilla, Feb 5, 2013.

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  1. Tekilla

    Tekilla User

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    from start i wanna sey that all drop system in lineage 2 is 1 big fail. when you go to instance u can see on drop window funy things :
    *random loot, random including spoil: ---1 person take all drop - so its like finders keepers
    *it's realy often situation wher last men who we add to party take the drop (altar always - why 10 partys for open altar quest now lol:p)
    *just finders keepers work fine cuz - who pick have the item - seems easy script

    people in this game are mad when they go so many instances and no any 1 small drop - maybe enchant armor from fortuna. example from 90 lvl to 98 my character never drop any big item for more then 50-80kk ( who is not a bit angry when see some aslan:). 75% time here i was play withaut pa so dont tell me i dont go any instance i made everyday fortuna/kartia/baylor/emeralds/stream coridors/epic spezion always go octav/istina etc. the point is that game drop system is 1 big error/ mistake/ fail!!! when come new chronicle or new patch - this should be repaired first(and all the time i here: drop system reduced now chance fro drop are smaler then before - omg what can tell new players!!). maybe antharas packs system is the wey? - example let give every some raid boss box to per player inventory ---->and result: 0 things or some item, i dont know but for now its very bad.

    scamers - are single people who dont want be poor all the time playing this game.you tell he will be blocked? and will have problem with party - ok of course but what push he for this? = game drop system!
    ow sexydream was biger scamer ever- who remeber it - nobody because holyinqisition down!

    of course many of us are honest and never go before redrop - i never scam anythin - yah i m from primalfear - and i m total random because second thing called constant party killing funny from this game 4 ever: cuz ---- 0 solo location, 0 locations for farm adena ( in old times orbis 3 was good location for adena in party ----> i will no make mos box i no have time for it!)

    dear gm's administrators dont use this topic as technical problem or sugestion( no close!!!) - oka maybe sugestion to write this mad koreans - creators this best game ever - but stey topic for players, i think they think same like me.

  2. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    scammer is scammer, dosesnt matter what system will be. and what you are talking about is more like you cant be sure who will get it. you made altar example:

    usually altar boss drop enchants, there is like ~~5-10% for weapon (more like 5% imho). so mostly 1/10 altar will be with weapon drop (or some armor). still whatever you decide only 1 person can get it.

    and if we had some boxes like from antharas result would be excatly the same:

    you will go 10 altar, everyone in party will get box all the time ( 7 x 10) but only from 1-2 box will be something else than enchants. it is excatly the same.

    unless you say you want some drop from every box but it is not possible. imagine every box drop something (like ewr, ear, crystal stone). the price of it would be shop price (well about ewr it is already) so it would hurt market much.

    and unless you play l2 first time in old times was even worse. you went farm some spot and maybe after 5-6 hours of farm someone would pick up some random drop from mob. : d
    Allison_Mississippi likes this.
  3. Tekilla

    Tekilla User

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    of course is passible - some box can be empty or with 1 armor-wapon piece like from soh. you have lucky or no. and dont tell me after 10 altars u will see wapon its not true u can make 20 altars and no any wapon, same like emeralds. after 20 emeralds nobody was have any drop maybe 1 helmet from bonus round- bonus round work now somethin like this: u go by this 5-10 rooms and if u see golem u have 1 drop others mobs dont drop anythin. and i dont tell about drop wapon on farm adena spot. in old times u was go orbis 3 for 3-4 hours and u was have 20kk in adena and mats from spoil- now spoil is dead.
  4. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    thats why some time ago one developed cp system and there is of course feature called clan in game. try to get some good clan or/and cp and do advanced instaced with them!
    chromatisity and BlackWoodz like this.
  5. shadown

    shadown User

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    omg tekilla don't cry child :p you don't have lucky to drop so you will be poor othel :p look on this with another side mayby only not you don't have drop. when all have fantastic drops rare items will be very cheap and have this items willbe nothing. so dont cry :p i can kiss you on this ugly face
    Allison_Mississippi likes this.
  6. staniskun

    staniskun User

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    i always go whith my clan and that's a good way to avoid scammers...
    i never have pa, and only one time i get ron duals and i have no much problem whith adena... and i'm tank 96 / 87 / 80 / 80
    i dont think drop system is a problem in this game
  7. eXarDo

    eXarDo User

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    wall of text on broken english is great but i must agree that loot system is bugged somehow. there were many cases when with "random" party loot 1 person took all the drops, 2-3-4 items. and i mean drops from 1 mob/raid, not different ones. that's not just luck, that's a bug qq
  8. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    you cant speak about % chance after small amount of trials. if you flip the coin let's say 10-20 times you think result will be close to 50% 50%? probably not. but repeat it 100000 times and final result will be almost 50% 50% for sure. so actually this is simply luck, that's all.

    easiest solution anyway is to go with cp / clan members anyway : )
  9. staniskun

    staniskun User

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    yes, however there many cases when we've 5 drops and go for 5 different persons...

    anyway as alarion says "easiest solution is to go with cp / clan"
    BlackWoodz likes this.
  10. Sexydream

    Sexydream User

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    lol sexydream best scammer of ever o.o... becouse my cp 1 time didnt redrop now im the biggest scammer of the world lol
  11. Hanta

    Hanta User

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    loot is buggy for sure . me no mathematic expert , but whats the chance that 1 guy from 7 gets all drops from single rb like zaken for example ( it happens just too often )
  12. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    guys plz, learn how statistic is working, cause it is really sad to dont know some basic math after school...
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