no im mad that my server always have delays,problems etc. and lf this excuse, "duo to technical problems with our server, gender will be ava in 10 years. enjoy :d"
u are playing this srv 1 year + and still getting surprised from innova fails? :d fck the gender change, we want fix of siege lags
l2store added apreance stones and restoration but no bless restoration and apreance stones are on peroid of time :s
gm posted, that every of this **** is tested on ru server, but hey, question is what excatly you are testing? they puted a item do l2store, that basiclly doing nothing just got in name "gender change", you as a player cant use it and so on. then you are writing a ticket to support to change your gender, gm is doing that, and takin from you this item. so now they replied they are testing the whole system for this :d so we will get gender change and others in like 2-3 months gl & hf