so , been here for 2 weeks only , i can't know which side make the rules here and i'm curious about a small intro with server clans domination from the veterans . so far i saw 2 sides fighting each other : bs+ally vs ooc+ally , with ooc being slightly in front after horde join them , besides that i haven't seen anything notable , i'm sorry if i missed some important clans/sides . all fraps i found here were just 7vs7 or 7vs14 and some tournament fights , nothing relevant . i walk at some castles yesterday siege , but didn't saw so much action , only a clan called sex fighting some cps from a clan with vendetta face crest (didn't remember their name) at rune . and i remember from other siege 10/3 , like 3-4 cps from bs smashing all horde clan in front of rune . that's all i know and see so far , i'm really sorry if i claim something wrong or false cause i'm new , just my humble observations . want to clarify that i didn't create this topic for flame and spam , i want all the informationd here to be informative , maybe other new ones will come and want to read here . thank you for understanding and your time !
well actually all of top clan posses castles so there is not much fights as there is no more competition. rg+ob+ooc defend their castles, bs+pf+? defend their own. what clan/alliance else left to fight such a good ones?
top clan/ally is who has aden and farms dragons(ooc), bs tries to rezist, but they lost power in loosing some parties and failing to recruit zerg >< u woun't believe, but yesterday there was 80% fights at oren... yes u read it right oren! xd ofc was some rushes for rune and bs(innadril) castle, but nothing serious... gl trying to find us again in next siege^^ mby other clans will be rdy for attacking aden or other good castle... or maybe not yet... and about top clans is that 95-97 lvls looses a lot to 99lvls clan, so it's huge disbalance here as u can't bot lvl up ... so clans grows stronger slowly...
idk , mb one day we will see a new coalition raising up , who can compete this 2 sides , cause i saw a lot of good players that started to play here not so long ago , many of them i know are from naia , some from my ex clan , and you can trust me , they know business , also indisputable naia hero tank is here :d , also i found here very good players that came recently from ,,my generation" guys lvl 86-90 , one old school clan from xxxx started weeks ago , and so on , there are a lot of people that community from here are not aware . i can just hope that they keep playing here and don't join one of the 2 sides . ty for infos nywe , i hope next time ooc will try a real rush to innadril or vice versa something worth the watch , not just some crp farm i know bs got some top cps , troy one for example , who won championship also , so they can bring some competition . gl both sides !
could you explain me what is wrong with that "zerg"? is it bad to have a lot of active ppl in clan? i saw many times bs tried to recruit more ppl, but you cry only about ooc recruiting... are you jealous about that or what? admit it, now is a phase, when ppl want to join ooc (aden castle, dragons - thats cool), but some day bs will show power again and ppl will start to join them... it is a natural thing, but some of you still dont get it and blame each other for "zerg".
i remember when hi was a "top" clan cuz of nolifers, cheaters, exploiters and half server joined them. those times hax or any other from hi didn't cry that much like nowadays. everyone knew that when people has the same level and gear hi will die and that's just happened. no point to cry about zerg. that's a natural thing like olympian said. people join the best clan who can successful more things in the game.
that kinda all ooc has. i wont join any top clan in near future, but if i had to choose one, it wont be ooc! your ally is under my understandings of a good one (rg favorite activity - waring low lvl clans and put a spy in to start war... how to join a clan/ally like that...). as far as i m seeing situation on core bs is like dh on naia. all vs them and they still rullz and ooc as sh on naia, even not allyed clans are helping them. but meh... is only my opinion
before "zerg" ooc has only few cps and fought against all server, meanwhile bs had a lot of players inside clan. at that moment where was no talks about "omg bs zerg", but after ooc overheaded them, many of ppl (bs) started this propaganda... and if u started talks about hunting low lvls, look at enclave, err0r504 (yes, they were with bs ally) - they are still hunting at soa, even swampland (go go welnez!)... dont need to judge clan for mistakes made by ally.
whoa whoa whoa, rg? do you have any proff of that? from what clan u even are? war's to low level clan? the only one who get's it, deserves it, but at last point we don't have war with them since they not accept it.. dafuq we need to put spyes.. prove it or keep dreaming
want proof? yes you do war maddogs 3 days after i entered it, you had chars inside the clan, you started war. we lost 5 k points to stop it. i have witnesses!
well, now when you mentioned yes we were close to maddogs, but it's not head of rg who did this.. u got war becouse u deserved it, and then maybe someone who had char in youre clan from before done it, i dunno really, it's possible. but u really can't say that it's our favourite activity.. becouse it's not
yes, ofc, maddogs so much deserved it!!! like how if all the active players back than were 85-90 lvl, except some high lvls who were making instances? but i wont agrue about this, cuz it is useless. and because maddogs "deserved" it, after rg could war them again, the war didn't started, because the box char was kicked. anyway it was low enough what you did there in my eyes. once lost, trust regaining is a hard thing to do. not that you have to prove me something though. everybody are deciding for themselves.
so maybe you dont know situation in general... ooc also gave cw to smaller clans, but they deserved that. if u dont want to get cw, so why are you helping wars then or smth... as for example: we have dark side, before istina died i went to change subclass to low lvl healer, i was w/o buffs, but some high lvl nab from therichest clan (vual) started to killing me... ofc, u can say "why u have dark side instead of light side", but i can ask you the similar thing: why you are trying to provoke us...
sh are cheaters , big time , starting from overench wep/arm/jwl made illegal and top assist/anti agro/targeting programs -xxxxx , lag programs , they got all can get , i remember one siege they came at our castel , except the fact that we can't move , as soon they enter on our range , like 30 ppl target at the same time our heal 1 sec and dead , same with all my clan (we saw on damage board) . i don't say dh didn't use illegal stuff , but they are far behind sh on this things . in general sh own hard dh for obvious reasons , but dh are weak , just look at this : and about zerg , i think if you have a better team than the one who is atacking , you can still win evan at 2:1 . but if they have better one , means that your clan is no longer a interest for good players , and the only problem is your clan !
you are just noob. and propaganda maker. you dont know **** about dh. a clan that has the balls to fight vs server. active wars! sh, mk, lod, wrath, lunaecandetia, einheit, scouts, holyspirits, united, redstorm. and 10 more wars that are not two way cause they dont accept. dh are weak ? haha funny. all these clans in one siege ( rune sige) couldnt take the castle. all pr after 20 mins. this is strong not weak clan. right now the strongest clan in naia is dh. remember some weeks ago ? dh left rune, and broke all castles. 1 clan broke all castles. sh mk wrath lod ... so plz say the truth or dont say anything. thnx
and why are we discussing clans on naia when the thread is about clans on core? back on topic please poeple lol
i just told the truth truth > all! ^^ btw i am only 79 lvl core so i dont know about the dramaz! i will learn ^^
that is irrelevant, the grass is green but it has nothing to do with clans on core even though it is a fact lol please stay on topic or posts will be removed and further actions could be applied. regards.