georax killed alarion, so imo he is in top archer list :d i'd say currently: healers : alarion , sindeya , bahhie (same as mesok said, will be next heroes on their classes) tanks: raxor, ultimated, erikthered were the hardest so far tyrrs - nickmgs i guess iss - sexydream, szydra i guess mages - exo, riordian tbh on top. amethyst is a very good mage in pvp but in oly he didnt convince me yet that much. rogues - assazhi, skizzik, glance atm. for me. archers - kingsize, cuz let's face it, troy is feeded and any other enemy archer isnt any good/high on points. from rg side there is georax and i didnt watch any of mel's matches so far tbh! wynn - nairoby/dontcry atm.
healers : alarion , trigger , sindeya bahhie 4 bcz no competition and i fought u only once >< u sux tanks: raxor, ultimated, jaden /i saw him few times at oly o.o/ tyrrs - nickmgs/kasyru iss - nyweris/even without clan cloak he's still the best iss /, szydra sexydream mages - sopsa, exo riordian maybe angrybird rogues -sorshy assazhi glance or sprtcs archers -kingfail /troy / isiss ( i luv u man) wynn - nairoby i missed 1 month so i sux .
u nearly lost to me using a r95 buster, thats why i didnt put you. qq more nyweris lost vs nearly every iss enchanter alrdy on 1v1, thats why it isnt worth for me to put him :d
***** that was my first match from 1 month vs some good equipped healer xd as i said i sux =-= . dunno about nyweris, we will see on class based... i still think he will **** em all.
my 1:1 relog list: they have to relog: orbinka kasa rieston raxor blodzik noamda sixsense troy has to relog: dontcry vual alleyesonmypony sorshy mad feed for sure :d my list: healers: alarion, trigger, sindeya, bahhie tanks: ultimated, raxor warriors: kasyra, nickmgs iss: szydra, nyweris, sexydream and i saw goude doing a good job, was impressed wizards: exo, riordian, amethyst (all of them really good in oly) rogues: sorshy, skizzik, assazhi archers: kingsize, isiss (even w/o time for oly hes farming pretty good) summoners: nairoby, and pony when he discovers he can kill healers not only win by dmg xd
why i got the feeling becouse of match with hax i will be trolled for life time ? hax now i hate u even more =/
still i will repeat, mel is handless as hell. i can point at least 10 better archers including fakeras (isiss) and georax. 1 handed bandid is worthless to mention on this list, except maybe some "worst oly players list"
aeore: sindeya, bahhie, alarion and trigger othell: glance, skizzik, assazhi feoh: alarion, riordian, exo(in certain situations) (crazy chicken(amethyst) maybe, have to watch some of his matches, haven't yet) wynn: nairoby, allearseyesmouthlegshandsonhispuny tyrr: nickmassage, kasyra sigel: ultimated, raxor, erikthered, neural with blessed antharas, never missing one debuff yul: kingsize god: bugaimer
talking about feeds, not 1:1 relogs. not to mention tauson relogging to you and signing together with you :d no excuses.
if tauson signing with me means i get feed, what did me organizing waves for someone we both know mean? and about the feed talk, your clan not relogging to hero candidates? because i saw rudi who let mel win him :d ps: i met tauson 1 (one) time in 2 (two) full oly weekends
well i thought bs is feeding you as good as they feed me :< but y im blind waiting to see you in oly and all i see is a human with btb staff waiting for relog :d
if you knew how bs olympiad system works now you wont open ur mouth like that.. troy is as every single other pretender. not the choosen one like you and mel trying to make him looks like, ppl relog to him = he relogging to pretenders.. = pretenders relog to him simply as that relog to relog ^^ if your clan members dont relog to hero pretenders smt is wrong with ur system :d.
tank : brave/raxor/lastowner of m2c mage rio/ame healer lolraion/sinde/haxoverequipednomoreiheard dagger fuse/sprtcs summoner nairoby/pony archer ks/troy tyr nick/kasyra iss szydra(wcunfairmode)/sexy/nywer
hax forever overequipped on any char, no qq pls wondering how you guys dont say alarion and sinde are overequipped with all their epics, retributer, +10 skills, longing and perfect dyes :< i feel hated