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Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by JahRasta, Jun 10, 2013.

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  1. JahRasta

    JahRasta User

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    lf quests info, according to patch notes at lvl 76 u get new quests, right?

    first quest of each quest chain is given automatically, or varkas or ketras,

    the names are : kekropus' letter: kampf's whereabouts and kekropus' letter: belos' whereabouts, after that if u make first quest u can make another 3 one time quests which are similar to eatch other,

    so: i got only kekropus' letter: belos' whereabouts, according to witch i was able to finish

    the ketra orc supporters
    assassination of the ketra orc commander
    assassination of the ketra orc chief

    but i didnt get kekropus' letter: kampf's whereabouts, so i can't finish

    the varka silenos supporters
    assassination of the varka silenos commander
    assassination of the varka silenos chief

    question: is it bug that i didnt get kekropus' letter: kampf's whereabouts, or not, maybe u can get only one of those when u reach right level?
  2. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    hmmm are you sure its just not supposed to be "new" versions of the old varka/ketra alliance quests whereby you could only pick one side to ally with therefore meaning you could only run the quests associated with the side you chose? i haven't checked them personally but that would be the first assumption i come to.
  3. Sweetnight

    Sweetnight User

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    i'm doing this quest for fighters (so far as i can get those quests are fighers/mage types and each of them is in different location). i did varka selios supporters and next once are assassination of the varka silenos commander and assassination of the varka silenos chief. it is same with lower level quests of same type as swamp of screams one for fighters and forest of the dead one for mages. you are able to make the daily once every day, others are one time.
  4. JahRasta

    JahRasta User

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    no, if u would be able to choose the side, u would get both starting quests, but reason is only u get one..

    but i got it, ty sweetnight, so u get only one from two trigger quest which one depends - or u are mage or fighter..

    ok then, at lvl 81 is 4 chain quests, what about thoose, mages get 2 chain quests series, and warriors get two chain quests?
  5. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    well as i said, a "new" version of the old quests where you chose sides, the only difference being that as sweetnight mentions, instead of you physically choosing the side now you get defaulted depending on your class type (mage/fighter).

    as for the 81 quest chains, it would appear to be 4 for each type, one chain of 4 in den of evil and one chain of 4 in sel mahum training grounds - https://4gameforum.com/showthread.php?t=16632&p=116175&viewfull=1#post116175

    also moving this thread to a more appropriate section.
  6. JahRasta

    JahRasta User

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    huh? 4 for each type? it means 8? since there is two types warrior/mage, i guess they get 2 by each type, since at level 81 u have 4 chain quest series, den of evil, sel mahum training grounds, field of whisper and last but not least plains of lizardmen

    so if someone doyng them, which and how much of those four u get guys?
  7. Sweetnight

    Sweetnight User

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    seeing the areas my guess is den of evil for melee, sel mahum - pole, field of whisper - mages, lizerdman-archers. i can't confirm that though, because i don't have so many alts, but this looks logical.
  8. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    you're right there are also the lizards and fields ones too, i hadn't scrolled further down then den and sel as you had said there were 4 chain quests, a little missunderstanding i think (chain quests would be the number of quests within the chain, quest chain would be the number of chains available - stupid i know that simply switching 2 words around can make a difference to the meaning but eh...theres the english language for ya xd ) - there are 4 quest chains each containing 4 quests per chain and i can only assume based on the quests written in the patch notes but it seems there would be 2 chains of 4 quests per chain (total of 8 quests) for mage and 2 for fighter.

    but this would mean only 1 chain for mages and 2 chains for fighters and 1 chain for archers - archers i assume would have been calculated as fighters with the varka/ketra chains so it doesn't seem logical that they would have a seperate chain further on, nor does it seem logical that fighters would then also get 2 chains whilst other "types" only have 1...this is all just my opinion on how i see it as stated earlier, i haven't personally tested them im just translating the chains and patch notes as i see them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2013
  9. Sweetnight

    Sweetnight User

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    here is more accurate info about those quests, since l2wiki updated their quest info:
    lizerdman: http://l2wiki.com/the_seal_of_punishment:_plains_of_the_lizardmen (restrictions: sagittarius, moonlight sentinel, ghost sentinel, trickster)

    sel mahum training grounds - http://l2wiki.com/the_seal_of_punishment:_sel_mahum_training_grounds (restrictions: dreadnought, titan, fortune seeker, maestro)

    the fields - http://l2wiki.com/the_seal_of_punishment:_the_fields (restrictions:archmage, soultaker, arcana lord, cardinal, hierophant, mystic muse, elemental master, eva's saint, storm screamer, spectral master, shillien saint, dominator, doom cryer)

    den of evil - http://l2wiki.com/the_seal_of_punishment:_den_of_evil (restrictions: duelist, phoenix knight, hell knight, adventurer, eva's templar, sword muse, wind rider, shillien templar, spectral dancer, ghost hunter, grand khavatari, doombringer, soul hound, judicator)

    so yes, it is class based quests.
  10. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    aha ok they split the fighters up into 3 groups, now its more clear xd thanks sweetnight.
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