i know the thread for scammers is closed but there it goes anyway. i hope he buys change name service if there is something like this, or walk around and all ppl avoid him because he scammed istina shirt. then he add me to ignore list and log off: this is his clan:
well there are many clans already we know scam is their way of life, so avoid like the pest, clans like ltunited, primalfear[scammer and scum], ooc[to certain degree some are legit], enclave[not so common lately but soo many douches in that clan] and redguard had many scammer but not so sure lately. another thing you can try is dont hit the ballista yourself and move to drop zone and instruct ppl you trsut to pk anyone that move too close,etc
?? you can tell this about every clan method is so simple - who run get kick from pt = 0 drop, 0 xp :]
i found it! http://wiki.terragamers.net/index.php?title=after_lindvior_adena_distribution the problem it's only for adena, hope they will make a normal drop system too. if they'll find a solution they can make a hotfix so don't hasitate to write to ncsoft with ideas. i think party members or cc members should vote for 1 person and he/she will get all drops then change to random the cc or party and redrop. this seems fair enough. if clan, alliance members inside maybe it's not necessary but if any random they all have to accept the vote.
uhhhhh ..... should be redrop drop+adena for all cc -> loot random and then time for scaming boxes will be over