where can i find the whole lore behind lineage 2? i am not talking about legacy.lineage2 only, because they stopped updating the lore (after interlude i believe). like what are the events of freya and the high five parts? who are shillens children? what is the story of lineage 1? does anybody have any information? post it here so we can try and sum up the timeline.
is trasken one of them? when was valakas introduced? how did he appear? why did catacombs exist in the first place? from the goddess of destruction intro video i saw that shillen sacrificed all of the monsters that were there.
here: http://legacy.lineage2.com/background/legends_list.html here is the legend + the parts up to interlude.
are the arteias that sayha created the same as the kamael? weren't the kamael created by the giants as weapons? also: http://www.lineage2.com/en/game/patch-notes/goddess-of-destruction/awakening/awakening-classes.php
they are not same as kamael. the winged race of arteias was freedom-loving and possessed undying curiosity. giants wanted to capture and subjugate the free-flying creatures (created by gods). unlike the other five races that were created by gods, the kamael were created by the giants, through genetic manipulation, for the purpose of battling against some unknown creatures (create by giants). here are the other chronicals lore i found: helbound: http://l2wiki.com/hellbound_(history_and_description) kamael: http://l2.eogamer.com/wiki/kamael gracia: http://massively.joystiq.com/2008/07/03/lineage-ii-lore-of-upcoming-expansion-gracia-part-1/ god:http://www.lineage2.com/gd/lore.php
for trasken : http://legacy.lineage2.com/gd/bosses.html#wyrm by the way, it's not one of the first children of shilen (aka dragons). most of background can be found into the old l2 site from ncwest or into game.
alot of background could be found from old quests that got deleted during goddess of destruction, many of the old 2nd profession quests had bits and pieces of lore. i remember some time ago reading that trasken's egg has been in the game way before god. does trasken's tail still appear in random places ingame?