the internet is for cats. everybody knows that. there are cats in lineage 2. everybody knows that. cats dance. everybody dance now! [upd] if you want to have this event for 1 more week, please vote on facebook! ahoy, fellows! when you think about cats, what is the first thing to cross your mind? fish, sleep and laziness? or maybe lulz, rock'n'roll and buffs? no? well, maybe lineage 2 cats slightly differ from the regular ones... from tuesday, 18/06 till tuesday, 02/07 you will find groups of dancing cats in every town. ask the central one that is called angel cat for a musical instrument. he will give you one - equip it and have fun! and fun means parties summon a party with characters of 3 different races* or a full party with 7 people and dancing cats will give you a powerful buff**. * Spoiler for instance: human mystic + orc fighter + elf mystic = buff human mystic + human fighter + elf mystic = no buff dwarf fighter + dwarf fighter + dwarf fighter + dwarf fighter + dwarf fighter + dwarf fighter + dwarf fighter = buff ** Spoiler str +5, dex +5, con +5, int +5, wit +5, men +5; vitality replenishing effect while in peace zone. buff lasts for 5 hours please make sure that every party member has the instrument equipped. no playn' no gain! record videos, make screenshots and post them in this thread! every race has a different instrument: Spoiler
hahaha! i just moved from ncwest servers to innova. they had this event last week and this week. so it's a win-win for me to have moved just yesterday and get this event for 3 weeks total :d ...just one question... the musical instrument, it's for free i hope..?
welcome! yes, here we dont have items on store regarding events etc. and as captainmoebius already mentioned: one question, " vitality replenishing effect while in peace zone." so that means i will take the buff and if i stay 5 hours in a town i'll got my vp refilled? nice event btw, stats +5 for 5 hours oo ! cool !
you will find groups of dancing cats in every town. ask the central one that is called angel cat for a musical instrument. he will give you one - equip it and have fun! this sounds for free to me :d
thank you ;-) i guess the conditions here are the same as on ncwest, which would mean that the 5h vit replenish is close to nothing. i manager to get the buff, could only play for an hour and went afk in town. when i came back i could barely see that bit of green on my vp bar the +5 stats are nice though. my tyrr maestro managed to hit str 114 with the buffs on nc [edit] missed captainmoebius's reply. glad to see that here the conditions are different
friendly approach this event. trying to bring out the joy through our tunes ! we all more or less a soul musician.
awesome event :d may i ask if these instruments are permanent? or we will have them only during the event period?
uhm, how often can we get the buff? it says it lasts for 5 hours, but there's no mention about it's reuse. and how good is the vitality refill? like, 0% to ?% in the 5 hour span?
i've been afking for like an 30 minutes now , and the only vitality i got is a very tiny bit i received upon getting the buff. dear captain moebius can you tell us how much vitality will i get refilled for 5 hours afking ? thx in advance.
true. if i kill 1 mob in kartia group vp will fall down again already afk in ti and vp is not refilling ...
o, come on. their events are not events if you should buy things from store to participate. let's be happy with what we have got. may be we will have the collector later.