i' never saw a worse fraps than this ****. running(mostly standing) w/o buffs(harmonys,sonatas, totems,nobless and other ****s) on 1fps, doing nothink, sometimes target tank and put token, using just four buttons from keyboard. even bananapatri is better. below nine thousand/10
at 1 point he is a bit right: klicking 4th skill from first skillbar by mouse is at least... sad. also like how you cut your movie (valakas pvp) putting only some action from beginins when we all know what was the result of each valakas round : )
guys this is the italian section, we expect people to use english on the main boards so have some respect and speak their language in their own language sections.
i cut the finish of pvp always if lose or if win, sry but here ur flame post are usefull, go flame against sindeya again :d
bella, dimmi una cosa ma in siege o quando facciam war da valakas\antharas lagghi un bel pà²? io a volte non mi muovo da valakas... ma è strano perchè dipende, ogni tanto gioco liscio anche con 200 + ppl, a volte non mi muovo... non so se dipende dal server o dalla mia connessione d:
u wanna learn me to play tyr in mass pvp but u have no idea how tyr play in mass pvp then this is only flame for me, but i can explain u:i put tokens on tank for aoe with feo and yul, and i put tokens on healer/yul/feo/othel around me when i took they and i use only aoe skill coz if u see in 10 min/12 i have only bs around me xd and i spam qhp too!!!! :d di lag vera e propria nn ne ho apparte quando lagga il server occio che laggo pure io ma quando vedi che mi sposto senza camminare e' perche prendo il debuff degli snares dei feo