tags: [stats] languid with heat unravel your powerful sword and attack. purpose: to check the chance of m. critical attack. experiment: feoh storm screamer (lvl. 99) attacked aeore healer (lvl. 99) casting elemental spike. as m. critical attack cannot be changed with gm-commands, its values were set with different buffs and their combinations. a sample of 1000 hits was used for each value of m. crit. attack, and it was divided into 10 parts, 100 hits each. results:
you're totally wrong. we were there first with the idea of performing in-game experiments, than ru-guys jumped in. and now our guys do the experiments and ru-guys perform the same ones on their servers.
the same test was done: 06.07.2013 on russian forums. with the exact same screenshots and percents. we want test made in our servers, not others.
captain means that the idea of experimentarium is ours, but i think that you are talking about exactly this experiment. it's true that this experiment was first published on russian forum, but it was made after lindvior had been installed and the data is relevant in our version. and finally not the whole core community can read russian, that's why we translate some interesting experiments. i hope that you don't mind..
well if you can confirm that we have the same server build and this data is relevant to our server, then there is no problem at all, thanks for your concern.
i agree with ametits. gm should do this test after every mainteance. especially focus on m.crit rate.
Since Classic is based on G.o.D., do you suppose this applies to Classic as well? I mean, is the 145 m. crit rate some kind of sweet tooth spot to get that 25% chance?