its a shame, we see this type of attitude increasing, and some action against the people who do this should be implemented, ban him x day's, or remove the items from him, if proof is apresented, and here i show this print. if you aggree about punishing people that scam, please comment below. sorry for any grammar error
hi, they only way to fix it is to go for balok with trustable people. he didnt steal anything super expensive though... some time ago there was a list with scammers...
the problem its not the items, its the anti-game atittude, i know i know, some immuture people here dont have anything better to say then "qq" or etc, and i also know, that scaming was and it is always been part of mmo games, but why not start something new here in innova? :] if we try to stop gold sellers & bots, why not scamers ? anyway i dont care about the drops, just spreading the word, keep and eye out for n3kra, and be carefull there are many more.
there is nothing to do. just count with it and keep informing others about scammers. unfortunately, community here is like gotham city, and we miss batman. fair play, rules, good attitude, correct decisions, ... is something, what isn't cool at core. ppl, which was well known scammers in the past are today well known heroes. ppl here killing own clan mates, because they are greedy to share drops. ppl here receive items to improve their characters, and after few days, months they forget who bought it, they are so greedy and without character and they will keep items. ppl here speaking 24/7 about fair play and how much honest they are, and when they have an oppurtunity to proove it, they can't... cause they just speaking about it. i can continue like this... but its pointless. i don't write names of players here, but i think everybody know... this situation is very sad, but my personal opinion is, if innova team will not investigate and punish scammers, ... there is no point to do something. when server started, there was few scammers, today 90% of players will scam u... sad, but this reality at the moment ...:s
don't dramatize it so much, it's not server or innova's team fault that players are rotten from inside. it happens in ncw also, but in a much bigger scale, so what you have here.. you should feel good of it. the only place where you could avoid it is perhaps korea, japan or some other countries with bigger moral values, but yet again a lot of different people lives everywhere. the bigger community you'll get the more likes of n3kra's will appear, deal with it
gms cant do anything. in lineage2 everything ingame is pvp ( gm said that)( explanation = taking a drop from a player by a player is pvp and gms cant do anything) ( ask them if dont believe). in ncsoft also gms answer to ppl about scamming and said its not illegal but ofc its no a moral think to do. so i think the best think is to make instances/drop rbs with clan cp or friends.
gm's can take actions. however they chose not to. fact is, every day i see scammers notice in party matching. i hope for lol drop every time i go istina or octavis, because i know if epics will drop ppl will scam. makes u wanna quit this game, especially when u have to pt with ppl who are well known scammers just to make some dailys. real life doesnt allow everybody to be part of a cp.
dear sergei, it is your decision with who you are doing istina. if gms would start to fight with scammer some could take advantage of it to for example blame guy who got istina ring that he actually scammed that and more i think. you can lower chance to scam by leaving loot in random not finders keepers. it works good when you have 1 clan (or trustable) people and another one with ones founded on waiting list.
gms cant take actions like that. this would be ******ed. the drop lies on the ground and you pick it. its up to you if you want to share or not. such situations are part of the game. gms are not allowed to interfere. the only thing you can do is to inform others that the guy is not worth playing with. regards elles
problem is that the scammerlist is useless when you can change your name. you scam a drop what its worth more than the amount of € for namechange.. they will use it.