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Pailaka - Latana

Discussion in 'Game Bugs (Archive)' started by xHaseo, Sep 4, 2013.

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  1. xHaseo

    xHaseo User

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    umh...maybe i'm the only one who noticed...i did this instance for the adenas (3kk , are a lot for a newbye player :p) , i went in , start killing varkas , but when i killed a group , instead of getting the scroll enchant weapon spear lvl 1 , i got the level 2...so i continued killing mobs in order to take the level 1 for level up the spear , but after 15 mins and no more mobs around i noticed latana was spawned...but spear was still level "0" , i killed the raid without any problem , and got over the q...

    dunno if it's a bug or is intended but i'm pretty sure i was suppose to get the level 1 scroll and after the level 2 :p
  2. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    i did it last week with my maestro without any problems upgrading the spear.
    arethapcihzt likes this.
  3. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    as far as i remember the level 1 you get after 1st barrier or at the beggining when you talk to the npc while in instance.

    level 2 is obtainable when you pass bridge and you go up (the deagon will be then on the right).

    please try this advices and try again.

    ps: it is possible to get level 2 first if you won't talk to npc for example. then you have to go back.
  4. xHaseo

    xHaseo User

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    well since i made it , i can't do that q again :p

    anyway , yes , i thought the same , 1st scroll in the 1st group on the left (the spot with the bridge at the end) and the 2nd on the group with the raid on the right...but nop , i got only the scroll level 2 when i killed mobs before the "varka noble spot" (the big spot with groups of mobs) and i didn't leveld up the spear before to kill raid
  5. MaceWindu

    MaceWindu User

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    it's not a bug. you don't need to enchance your spear and after that kill latana. you only need to kill latana. the only reason you may upgrade your spear is to increase spear's p.atk/m.atk and get some extra skills. on 1st stage you get a skill for crt rate and on the 2nd one a skill to stun the enemy. this quest is not at all new and during old times, that spear was really usefull (not to mention nobody use it now). nowadays, all quests are much easier...(especially pre85 ones) not to mention that you are supposed to do this quest with old buffs, which duration is 20 mins... (there is still the npc inside the instance that gives u only 5 "old" buffs...) today, everyone does this quest with adventurer's or mentor's buffs, which give you huge stats' increase compared to the old ones.

    to sum up; in order to complete this quest : get in instance and kill latana with your own weapon (dont forget to kill mobs that block your way).
    p.s.: i am not sure if you still get that active skills while enchanting the spear.
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