hi there! i've been messing around with the game for a few days. last time i played l2 was very very long ago. the game has changed so much! i just wanted to know if i should start leveling a pet like a buffalo, because i'm an archer? as far as i can tell the npc buffs are up to 85. also any general tips would be greatly appreciated. i've been getting some weird coins from quests and it doesn't say what they are for.
you need to do the coin quests for equipment from the adventurer guide. nice thinking on the buffalo but with the new god buffs the old buffs have been made obsolete in terms of any power/utility. if you want solo satisfaction you'll have to lvl up your own buffer to 85 but partying is common practice and you can easily level and do your dailies for most of what you need.
hello and welcome back to lineage 2 the game has changed a lot, you have newbie buffs with sonatas and harmony up to lvl 85 (including). you don't need buffalo. once you hit 85 game become more instance based/party required so you are not going there without iss enchanter (the new buffer in game that gives ya all the buffs you need). for solo instances you can buy buffs or join clann with clan hall. the game after 85 is compleately different for what you know about lineage 2, you awaken, you've got new skills, you have mentee certificate to buy with it r grade equipment (if you don't have mentor yet, find one, it gives ya xp boost buff 50%). also open party room or grind with party room open and monitor for raid boss parties. you ll level up to 85 in no time with it. the wierd coins you have are for equipment you can exchange them at adventurer guide npc. good luck!
thanks for the helpful info! is there a place to buy a-s grade items, except with those coins? i'm leveling up faster than i am getting coins. i don't think i will have enough coins to buy everything i need. also how do i regenerate vitality?
you can use the ah (auction house) to buy a/s grade or try searching in giran weapon/armor shop. (if i am correct). vp regenerates every wednesday morning 6:30 am. you can buy vp pots from l2 store (with real money) or ingame with adena and welcome ! :d
also you can buy(for adena or for some real money) some pots, scrolls which regenerate vitality or freeze it for 10 or 30 mins.
just to correct something on this. you can buy b and a grade items in luxury shop in giran. s grade items were buyable in previous update but not anymore. i strongly recommend to use the coins to gear up, since luxury shop is very expensive for a newbie. by the way, welcome back!!!
thanks all! i'm looking for an active mentor, because the guy who mentored me in the starting zone is barely online. if you know of anyone who for example keeps his char up all the time, would be nice.
thanks for the clarification, haven't seen the new system on lindvior yet because i wasn't lvling any char
a quick update! i am 85 and awakened, and i have no idea what to do. my mentor is helping me a lot. did a daily in soa, solo kartia and zaken so far. but i don't see many parties for my level and i don't get buffs from the newbie guide anymore. any tips on what to do, what to look for ?
here is the list : kartia 85, kartia 85 solo, soa daily quest, nursery instance, teredor, swampland quest, zaken and after you lvl up a bit more start joining xp parties in stronghold's 3 cave. if you do not have a clan find one for further assistance.
where do i take the quest for swampland? also how do i go to this nursery? about teredor i've found only 1 dwarf for 1 quest, the one that teleports me in, but i think there should be another one with quests. priest of the earth or something, but i can't find it.
swampland when u port there are some npc's where u can take quest nursery when u go to seed of anihiliation there are some red circels if u stand in there u will get ported
the npc for trajan instance(teredor) is the dwarf at shuttgart, and you do not need another npc. but i do not find this instance really worth doing. in the same time spent in stronghold 3 you could get more xp.
thanks for the helpful info! but my questions are endless! :d what's the situation with adena farming? i checked the prices for items and they are huge! i have about 30 mil adena and it would seem i will need hundreds. how is that even farmable?
you can get some adena by doing zaken teredor or freya if you are a bit lucky. generally adena are coming to your pocket by drops at your lvl. in time you will have adena i think, but do not expect bilions. edit: you can also do the quest legendary tails, it will provide you with 71kk