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Might need a bigger block list!

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Bboy Wizard, Sep 13, 2013.

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  1. Bboy Wizard

    Bboy Wizard User

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    been an innova player for around a month now and i'm loving the fact that this server has cracked the bot issue and even spammers are getting taken care of (and if not eventually).

    general attitude of players though in comparison? ncwest > innova

    "omg"/"omfg" , i see angry teenagers everywhere and if i don't i usually weed them out in a couple of minutes by saying something that will easily flip them sideways (i'm 28 btw). oh and original opinions, questions or open mindedness will be blasted with a ..."omfg".

    almost 94 now and i've picked up on some strange methods for doing things, just some off the top of my head being tanks are needed for s3 and pretty much every daily that you do and separated daily parties like boz and s3/s2? why aren't they together? no that big a deal but coming from ncwest and never really having relied on a tank ever and having to wait for one it's grinding my gears a bit that nobody has the capacity to think differently.

    i'm an iss so i am having fun in terms of making friends in parties, i don't mind the "sonata" call to make sure i rebuff it but being commanded to refresh buffs or spamming "sonata"? i'm now telling dd's who spam how to do their job because they are obviously too busy doing mine!

    just some facts before i conclude my rant:

    - no you do not "need" a tank for s3, you just say close to each other, simples! (feoh 91 (snare)/tank control is very much needed for poling with tyrr warriors!)
    - no you do not "need" a tank for fortuna, 7 people active (and when i mean active i mean competent players who know there character, doesn't matter what level!) and a person with a non target aoe skill can just as well round up mobs and hit orbs.
    - s3 is not 100% aoe as about a thousand up and comers spam every single day it is actually 50/50 on both aoe and single target. the faster you kill a spicula captain/laido golem/scout the faster the respawn will reset so if you actually have some lurers you will reap the benefits!
    - no othells are not useless in parties (except of course cr where they are fricking gods along with the tank i might add before you question my "hate for tanks"), if they are active and focusing correctly they are just as good as any other damage dealer you have in your party.

    it's not been all bad though and i've actually met some people who do care and have respect for players and are willing to help them by actually responding to a question instead of saying "omfg". atm my block list is 3 times larger on ncwest but hey i'm grateful i have one so when i make parties i can just kick people out np!

    if you wouldn't mind aswell if you have a problem with me or have an anger management issue can you state that in the posts below please so i can add you to my list.

    /rantover happy gaming!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2013
  2. Argive

    Argive User

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    dunno man i seem to bump into the normal ones :p
  3. Brofist

    Brofist User

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    you're right, but why even bother? you can level from 85 to 97 in a week or so, so why even try to explain something to the countless number of idiots? you won't probably meet them again after 97+. i've leveled two toons to 97+ and i've only seen a fraction of the people i've met in s3 ever since.
    by constantly arguing with idiots you just ruin the game experience for yourself, unless you are the kind of person who enjoys that but then i wouldn't see why you'd rant about it on the forums.
  4. Argive

    Argive User

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    make love not warcraft
  5. vKuch

    vKuch User

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    what's ur secret? :eek:
    or requirements
  6. Argive

    Argive User

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    have no life, play 16 hours a day with consta mentor/vp buff. easily doable :p not for me personally.
  7. Brofist

    Brofist User

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    i beg to differ! i have a life, a job, family, etc. you just need to optimize stuff a bit. also: mentor buff after 85? like if it would matter at all...
    you just need constant vitality, xp rune and nevit and pick the most efficient way to level up (protip: doing kartia solo, waiting until your group is assembled and sitting in the clanhall all day aren't very efficient ways to level up)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2013
  8. Bboy Wizard

    Bboy Wizard User

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    nice exping!

    meh! it didn't take me long to notch this up but i find i have time for idiots/immaturity and i do like to smack there faces in the dirt whenever i can but thats just me!...btw yes so if i lvl my main higher i'm away from a lot of trolls but i still have to level up a dual class and possibly more so i still have to kick it in the shallow end of the pool and i can't quite level up as fast as that! xd

    if i didn't post at all on these forums i would probably be 95 (from 85), but thats taken me a week and a half with on average 8 hours game time...i think.
  9. Zebedin

    Zebedin User

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    its simple that your block list is bigger then on ncw, because you actually play here with other peoples instead of programs
    they have feelings too, they might want to do some stupid instance as safe as possible

    not everyone have a mentality of a brave hero or veteran, you got to understant it as 28 old

    maby you became just anti-social xd
    you should never see my own block list, mostly in info is (scammer,rtrd, low level pk, no brain, kill on sight etc)

    /e my tipical day with friendlist on ncw looks like this:
    me: hello whats up, were going some exp ?
    friend: nope, l2walker on and going back to play some dota
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2013
    Elesmira and Walkirye like this.
  10. syzgod

    syzgod User

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    it's normal this game is full of low iq ppl since god. easy to level up and yeah everyone wanna make dailies as safe as possible. the problem is when something goes wrong they lose control and panic. once i was pl on a fortuna when the tank dc-ed. i have to calm everyone and tell them how to finish it. i was a main tank with an iss and the other was a tyrr. if you can explain them nicely and you have ppl with brain everything is possible. did fortuna, istina, soa daily, soh daily, spez, epic spez, baylor w/o tank even kartia ofc. sometimes just bad luck. once i failed istina, fortuna, epic spez in one day. i was mad cuz of idiots, my blocklist went larger with healers and tanks. i told the clan i need like 3 days off from the game. sometimes it's too much be patient. when i exped my dual tank and my wynn i saw many ridiculous iss too. get used to it. some ppl just need more time to learn this game or they will never. but keep going. i just made a lot friend with this attitude, i could explain ppl things and could teach them. well sometimes didn't work cuz some of them are totally brainless. but day by day you will meet with the same ppl and you will feel safety with them.
  11. Walkirye

    Walkirye User

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    keep playing!... so far since 95+ ive find pretty nice random ppl over there (from every clan/region), so, once u pass the random part of the game (aka, 85-95 newbies, boxes, inmmature gammers who never go behind 95+), u will start find good gammers, but, let me say u something, age have nothing to do with this, ive meet 50 yo idiot ppl, and pretty nice and mature 18 yo guys in the same way.
    also, be part of a good clan, or make an a cp will help u a lot in order to start enjoinning the game.
  12. qre8ive

    qre8ive User

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    bboy... if you don't know the function of a tank you should perhaps try to play one or analyze what tank actually does (pt sol / tank aura / more security for paper classes / etc).

    perhaps your blocklist is more full here because here you actually meet real people, not 90% bots. in the time i was on ncwest it was always the same.... find a nice spot to farm actively ..... aaaand its gone because some ****** plants a full strong bot party right in your face (i've had it multiple times that someone brought in 6 wynn, 1 iss).

    besides mostly people are kind here, the only times i see "omfg" is when someone is actually doing a bad job and not listening.... maybe you just naturally attract the bad apples or something.
    Schofield likes this.
  13. Bboy Wizard

    Bboy Wizard User

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    pt sol and aura is cool but i would prefer any dd in place if we do not require control and aggression and i'll be honest i'd be pretty embarrassed as a dd if i died from anything other than a boss doing a daily quest (which tanks can't control).
    just to clarify though unless i was serious about grinding exp in s3 i would not shun a tank from my party but what i can't stand is when a partying is forming and people are spamming "tank", "we need tank".

    your right about the bots in party, in does happen.
  14. qre8ive

    qre8ive User

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    well perhaps for dailies it's not really needed to have the optimal party all the time. i'm speaking more for xp parties where dds go for most dmg and not care too much for their defense. i do think it's good that parties look for iss/heal/tank for every party though. it 'forces' more people to play those classes, because as tank at 90+ i always get spammed with invites when i open party channel.

    also if you get embarrassed by dieing from mobs then you should never go crossroads :p
  15. Bboy Wizard

    Bboy Wizard User

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    good old cross roads!

    been there 4 times now, we need more good tanks who know how to run and still agro! friend me! xd
  16. BlueGuardian

    BlueGuardian User

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    if your blocklist is full i suggest you make a notepad list with people that you dont like playing with
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