hi. i have a question about wynn summoner. did summoners still use a bow in a lindvior chronicle? cause i know that they have new skill for two handed staff.
yeap good question. if we are talking about endgame setup at 99 wynns' have a totally different setup like the +wit dyes, 2h magic blunt weapon + acumen, robe set, all for pvp and oly, but if we are talking about from 85 till 99 (pve + some pvp setup), for the first try bow + light set with a +str dye. if you are rich enough can get a 2h magic blunt weapon + acumen too. if you are mostly doing pve (dailies, exp, raids) then just stick with a bow and a light set and as much str as you can get. you can mix your char for a pvp and a pve too but i think not worth to waste the money untill 97+.