how pathetic can you be to create this lvl 3 clan and blackmail us cuz you are scamming ppl in server asking 2 bils to disolve clan... facking pathetic ppl
they made they same with heartbreakers. bs used our crest and went scamming so we will be "founf" guilty
i dont know if the accussation is true but thats he only thing i hate in general, the lies. ppl trying to hurt others by false accusations. some great politicians are being born!!! when they cant harm you otherwise they will try with pathetic ways like those. some1 tried some dirty tricks as those on us too before. at least they hate us cause as they say we kill only low lvls. but we do it because simply its war or they flagg on us so its natural i guess.
or they walk by being flagged. or they are xping at s3/gf and gamatos comes there flagged with whole party, they wait until lowbies flag and then annihilate them. but hey, you gotta get the frags somehow, right? i think gms should delete clans like that. and i also think that it's kind of useless to do this to blackangels. i mean, they already have hack3er and gravedigger so everybody knows they should avoid doing instances with them.
another pver here, maybe you should go play 1-2 months on nc to get used to it btw why new account for post? as it seems you know very well the situation of server but you afraid to use your main account? if you didnt do that i would respect your opinion but now...
i'm not a pver, i have just pointed out that you are full of cr*p. you are what you are - a group of non factor gankers who can't make real impact on the server so you are making lame excuses to kill lowbies.
100% true ;] if you will see hb/hb' it is the same s^%1y clan. so hb wrong topic.... few cp's buyed clan, adena and now they are pro xd buhaha
thats why i have only frintezza necklace and 1 octavis necklace that i sold again, sure pro story wake up!!! 1)this is thread about something else and all those that hate us just accuse us, pro really mature 2)now every player that play after his work and he play the game just for fun accusing the others that want to play a lot more for buying adena etc. l2 rule : when you play more you gain more accept it at last. move it to appropriate section plz, (cause some ppl cant grow up) and most important!!! you say we are nonfactors but you always talking about us, hmmm... strange, i think we are somewhat, cause you are talking about us... (common logic), omg guys...
the fact alone that ltunited qq about hb in a thread about the fake clan name blackangelz , can show to all ppl about their hate for us wrong section ^^
dear users, the original thread was about blackangelz clan and you somehow turned into a discussion between two others clans problems. that would be great if you do this discussion somewhere else.
+ 100 i said the same thing. lets end it here cause the hatred for hb is strong and ppl saying wrong thinks in wrong section