tags: [stats] [other game mechanics aspects] we wanted to test it before it’s too late: the subject today is m. critical rate. when weapons are switched, but stat value’s intact will rates be the same as a matter of fact? purpose: to find out the chance for magical critical attack for different weapons with the same value for m.critical in character's stats. attacker: feoh archmage lvl. 99. m. critical was 500 and it didn't change during the experiment. target: wynn summoner lvl. 99 weapons: +4 amaranthine buster +4 amaranthine caster +4 amaranthine retributer experiment: the attacker landed in total 1000 hits with each weapon. they were divided into 10 series of 100 hits each. the results can be seen in the table below. conclusion: the results of this experiment show that with the same character's m.critical the chance for magic critical attack is roughly the same.
afaik , the test was asking the chance of a critical magic with same stat but different weapons , for test if there is any difference , but if i'm not wrong there was somewhere a test for m.critical based on weapon stat mhh..
whats the point of test if crit is 500?... totally pointless better would be same equi (for example eternal set+6, buster/caster/retri +4) +buffs and no dye/accesory with stats to see whats the diference...
the user asked with same crit rate, doesnt matter if its 300 or 500, it was to know if there was a hiden stat on weapons that would change the occurence of crits, as shown above, there's nothing hidden so being 100 or 500 would have the same result.
thats a better explanation. in the end its all same **** and imo 1 handed + sigil is better for p def.
this is the same as "if u have 500 crit rate will u do more critical hits if target has debuff to land more criticals on him?".
yes point was to know, if there is some hidden effect. in this game exist a lot of "hidden" effects ( enchanting to cost increase power/duration, double dmg with enchanted skill etc ) so u never know... in old chronicle there was some differences in blunt and sword, now it seems normal. thanks for test.
there can't be such thing, as there is crit cap and not enemy decides ur crit but your char crit chance... crit dmg is another story...