so, dear gm`s when youre gonna do something about that ? 4 floors of toi are run by automated wynn + iss barely moving cause of weight, 12 hours running and getting 70k adena per cosmic lord i pking them constantly but they returning in 40min and set up bot again mega players and some br clan just bottin there without any action against them tickets to support doesnt change anything, so may lets see what forum users think about that nick of wynn boters warsong priam
if so called 'botters' would start moving from ncwest to innova you wouldnt be able to stop them anyway, enjoy while it lasts.
mister biladen obama, u got no f*in idea ;d @ topic ask razzly to come and close topic, without taking any action, cuz thats what we need right now.
i still belive in core, its 2 year old server pretty fresh tho and with active gm`s im just point them where to put ban hammer
relax a bit big boy, you can't compare them with us. i am still proud of the work innova does in comparison with ncwest. yes for rmt market and the users of them. i played on ncwest for 1.5 year and i was thinking i was the richest guy in the world when i had around 1 bilion, soon or later though i had to wake up. with that money you could buy an apoc thrower with one sa maybe +4 and 300 attri. epic jewels were about 6-7 bilion each, talking about istina and octa stuff. without being a bot user i earned that money. you understand my choices.
what else to say in this thread??? way better to be cruel with bots from the very start to handle them after easier, and not ruin server's reputation
that guys probably bots thee because nobody ever visits that place any more. i'm wondering what you've done there yourself? perhaps bot competition?
no mercy for bots, peroid. not with me at last, i hit about 100 pk on bot on varka, was camping him day and night now i just move to drakos spot on dragon valey (where are allso bots running) its nothing personal for this brazilian clan or so called "megaplayers" but if i have fun from fishing or pk for the lolz (thanks to calypto for always fresh zariche ) why would i shouldnt have fun from punishing bots as hard as i can ???? when you get something in this game without spending even 1 euro on l2store (i support pa and some events that doesnt bring unballance to gameplay) you all will know the pain that these bots gave me secon on list is adyss, exploiter on priest ugoross, this spot need to get invisible geodata so you cant just fly there on wywern then farm the **** out of mob every 7+min actually ive got a request for making dynastic essence lvl2 for 50kk adena, so after i complete task i just move to visit my old farming spot (by hand ofc) meet pack of silent programs barely moving cause of weight, healing themselfes and still killing mobs when i pking them :ddddddddddddddddddddddd but they returned after 40min, nothing to do there, lets gm do their work
of course. it's pointless to pk them. programs don't mind getting pked, you only hurt yourself by doing that. the gms here are quite active so just report and watch them disappear after a few days.
correct, im waiting on staff reply on this topic and they can close it cause i doesnt wanna spread propaganda how core is bad or anything like that but ppls must know whats going on, most of randoms are living in their small world of kartia95/spicula/espez/baylor/soh then afk in town i did it but unfortunatly i couldnt report more then 3 i guess, system chat told me that
i'd use the in-game report tool if i were you. the more people will find out that botting here is possible to some degree, the more people will research on how to do it. that's why i think it's better to remove the bots silently without too much attention. it's just better for the server.
nope. i have train in naia. used it to farm adena for myself to get gear. and it's good for mats and other stuff. now try find some mats in ah.. it's really hard all "legits" too lazy. or have stuff from pre-lindvior. and for new players it's really hard to get gear atm. even with crafting.
yes what you say makes sense cause its simple logic (bots makes life easier to every1 in server not only those that use them) but in the distand future ruins server, so better play and earn legit what you can than after all the hard work you make for years, server starting to get messed up and eventually lead you to quit, so all the hard work you done was for nothing laziness its another thing, its really hardto find all hardcore players like 7-8 years before, only if you go in korea
hello, it is untrue that tickets are not checked. i dont know what informations you sent (image or movie) but the more you will send the faster it will be answered. have in mind that bot checking take more time because it is critical to be sure its bot not live person. please send all bot reports to support and it will be proccessed as soon as possible. regards