another scammer making fake adena advertisement in aden! reported allready,waiting for banhammer :d. thanks to all innova staff for all your work.
i am just curious though, is this happening at nights? i didn't got such pms since the big wave of all chats adena spammers...
how you know hes fake ? you tried to buy some and he scam you ? innocent until proven guilty ? meybe hes just a regular honest adena seller no ?
but i guess gm s are too busy banning innocent ppl and posting how good are them clueless cps on forum
ppl still dont get the trolling around... world are dividen between evolved troll masters... and all the rest... so far... more or less
these people use external programs to spam. in wall of agros and swamp of dreams, is full of bots the security system of this server is not as good as they said ...