"when ertheia comes, please make a new server and ban bots like you were doing a few months ago. try not to add op items on store, and you will see innova eu growing in no time and everyone will be happy". darma with upcoming update will be cool if you will create fresh server as well. by that time you probably combine dead pl server with dead-core
new servers at this moment of the game won't succeed, it's simply too hard to gear up properly, since they made it so hard after lindvior with drops...
this topic will be closed only vote ! yes or no. new start is also hard here on core. but if we can find a right moment... ! we dont need more spam from uber-pro^%^# with many real $$$ invested in pixels you love core -> stay here. every day this serv have many many new ppl., but only bots and only in cruma/etc. analion go back to your cave !
the point is look of numbers fighting on siege on our server and compare it to numbers on other servers. doesnt matter, naia or chronos (i dont speak about shilen, magmeld cause they are kinda dead servers since long time where ppl just bot, gather some items and transfer to naia or chronos) amount of active players excluding bots is lower than here. it is just normal pvp on orfen which is recently quite regualry: and behind our force was cc of black angels too. show me any other such kind of daily pvp on any serwer and then start talking bulsh1t about how are server is dead. and yea, polish server is in quite bad condition most ppl know about it. olympiad usualy stop around 21:30 (no more ppl participating) so it is more than sure when this server will be like aria they just will move those players to us.
server has activity only in time for aq orfen and siege.rest hours is ead.so prolly he ir right.at least in naia etc server from 19:00 to 02:00 mt+2 lets say its full of ppl. (active and non active).
why the fck do you need new server ? you think something will be different ,you think you are gonna be factor player for once ,you think you are gonna catch up ? truth is you are delusional,nothing will be different same nolifers will beat you in this game and you will go back to forums crying for new server again. you can play on core server just fine even if you are new guy
you even jumping to anothers forums to present yours stup.... xd gz now i know why you are saying "in clan nobody likes me qqqqq". this is right. interlude ^^ only you and an..lion qq right now xd vote, vote, vote ...... for any forum fights you have another topics this is vote poll. plz stay in topic. spam posts ->> delete.
why are you having a vote that will have in zero results? a new server will fail quite fast, that is why they shut down aria and merged it with core. opening a new server will only deplete core's current server population, and it certainly won't do anything about botting. no to opening a new server, bad idea. besides, razzy already said in a another post there will be no new server this year or next year. go find some low grade private server to play on then, you will never see official open new servers with older chronicles.
maybe p2p server? u need pa to play, but it gives no bonus (no x2 exp, no dualbox - whant box? pay 2 pa ) and ofcourse no l2store ^_^. it should limit boting, at least at start cose u need pa to play, but if u manage to keep it clean/and corrupt free... it can be a big success... or not . but maybe its worth of try?
this won't work since there were tons of bots back when it was pay to play. nobody is going to pay for a service nowadays and not get any kind of bonus in return, you might as well just close the l2store and let innova pay for everything out of their own pockets; wonder how long the server would last with no income. razzy needs to close this topic, it serves no purpose at all.
for clarification: there is no plans to open another server. we simply stay on core. beside, ertheia update will be with us maybe in summer holidays as we didnt get the lastest update yet. im closing topic as it is pointless to vote for it.