took me just a few days to make 85, but looks like 85-99 is another story :d right now i would like to know how to make 85-90 asap, some good solo locs with a q / daily qs ? so far i found some solo instance in aden ( katsomething npc in the aden center), instance in soa ( tie npc- ) and 1 daily q in bloody swamplands, i have r grade mentor items, 150 weapon +are there some other awakening skills i cant learn from learn skills section ? i was storm screamer before awakening, if that matters
kartia 85 group is the best daily to lvl up, also afther 86 you can do exping on stronghold 3 (isle of souls) but its in group too. for solo, you can try on harnak 3, its a place for small party, but im pretty shure that u can lvl up easy there with feoh. another option, is dragon valley south, by killing those big groups of worms over there, not just for xp, but for adena/vesper drops too. after 85, the game becomes more "party play", and theres not too much places to solo.
problem is server is old( well not old, but it lacks low levels ) and i came in alone, there r no people to party with on this lvl ))
try to find some iss enchanter and after u got around 88-89 lvl (it will not take so much time) try exp in fairies spot. u have some places to regen mana easily and this spot is great to make aoe. u can exp duo with some iss and after u got shadow snare on 91 to group fairies together, getting 95 will be matter of several days. also i am pretty sure if u look closer u will find some clan who got some ppl on low lvls too, some pve clan at the begining.
there is, i just told but u must have some buffer with u as always in l2. at least now only 1, not like in old times: bd + sws + wc + sometime pp for counter critical...
what alarion said is a good way to level up at the moment. you can also try harnak as well for leveling. even by doing instances only each day you get a lot of xp. for group leveling try nornil's cave or otherwise stroghold 3 (s3) as they call it. leveling is not your main problem i guarantee you this. you should be mostly worried for gearing up. do not be so hasty to get 95 if you do not have resources to get 95 gear when you hit it.
thanks for advices, i ll slowly level up to 87-88 then, in the end, lineage is not 2 weeks game material...
lol u wot ? there is like 2-3 s3 pts constantly in pt matching thats not enough ? also you have harnak than fairies than s2 than cemetery all spots are pretty much made for aoe. if you know what you are doing you can make lvl 99 char with feoh solo in less than 2 months w/o nolifing. lazy ppl these days srsly.