hi, i'm elf girl 89 with rapid shot/fire left, i turned myself into trickster, but i still have those skills and i can still change into smth else. so ... [for 30 days....] what du u think should i stay on trickster or change to ms? i picked up - celestial 5 seconds, and 5 second for no-target ? - is it good? what certs should i make? i don't have much time to play on sub, so would summoner be a good choice for dual? (which one btw.)?
for me all archers are good. play whatever you prefer. about ex racial skills celestial is a good skill, ( personal i dont like it , but its good), and disparition also. so i think keep them. for dual play one character that you will use your main's equip so you dont use adena in other equips.
every class has it's advantages. trickster is mainly pvp focused so i guess you want to pvp. on the other hand moonlight sentinel can spam skills kinda faster than other yul classes. do whatever you like. i am yul ghost sentinel and i got the same racial skills as you (undying will and disparition if i understood correctly) and i am satisfied by them. for dual i picked othell mainly because i did not want to spend extra money for equipment of another type (speaking of armor of course) adapt your character to your playstyle. i cannot say anything more. enjoy the game.
keep beeing trickster, cuz as sr u wont add str as dyes(better do +15 dex for double damage on skills), so the dmg is a compensation.
well in my opinion the most important is to know first of all if you want to play pvp or concentrate on pve. in a almost same thread as this before i told that for me tricksters and moonlight sentinel are best for oly because of trickster superiority to hit many normal attacks on ue of the other and ms cause in oly reuse is maybe the most important. ofc this doesnt mean that gs and saggi are inferior as yulls cause they have other benefits, so the overall point is that it depends on how much money you gonna spend on your char to be "imba" meaning what epics/dyes/set weapon with what sa and lot more you have. but concerning trickster vs ms i think better choise is trickster with high attack speed ( for me tricksters better use crossbow if they kept old attack skill ) and ofc refresh skill augment, plus anything else that gives reuse on skills @snowyz i think from new update its better use str dyes on archers
id say why the hell did you switched from strong pve archer to strong pvp archer when youre not even 99 ??? tell me now stay as you are till 99 or you can just switch to ms, exp pve better and change back on 99 5sec cele and 5 sec no target is super effective, i got that on main, celestial passive its actually a cleanse, so you can run out of sticky situation like getting aerial joke`d or exiled, it allso let you take tons of damage when enemy think you are dead meat, then after they lost round of skills you back to game ! o op disparition is second good skill provide cleans and detarget, similiar to cele