hello,i played all healers since i start play this game,but in goddess i played cardinal(not big difference from the other healers there but it still had some.) i read that elf is a bit su cks,and dark elf-cardinalis most op. i was thinking what should i play, (i was thinking more to dark elf) and what skills should i keep before awakening.? i see one pic with dark elf healer keeps powind.also i remember ressurection was totally su cked after awakening changes. so my question is,if someone can tell me what can i keep from these 3 classes,what is better for average pve and mass pvp,and generally your advises. ps:sorry for my english. best regards davalos.
your info must be old... i think there is nothing worth keeping from 85- these days. some keep the cardinal mass rez from 85-, i think because the cooldown is lower or something... the single target rez that you get at 85 makes you have 100% rez, no matter which race you are. the races still have the same ups and downs as before: elf, most wit by far - means easiest to get to 1999 cast speed, which is max, also easiest to get high cast speed when wearing stuff like heavy or using knight harmony buff instead of wizard. dark elf, most int but lowest wit. however int doesn't translate into vastly better heals so its use for healing is questionable. if you wanna do a lot of 1vs1 pvp, however, then maybe it is a factor. human, kinda balanced. the second consideration is the class that you wanna be: eva saint: -5% cooldown (up to -10% i think at 99) for all spells, mana gain as a group buff to improve recharging. shillen saint: -10% mp consumption (at 85), +10% matk, mana gain same as on elf, and an additional recharge that can restore a single target to 100% mp every few minutes (including healers). cardinal: benediction for entire clan but long cooldown, clan-wide cleanse but questionable cooldown, prayer as a group buff to improve healing you can combine any race with any class for 7.90€ (l2store -> chaos essence) if you don't wanna pay 7.90€ then you have to select a class that you wanna be and stick to the race that leads you there. i was shillen saint class on light elf personally when i played healer and it was very nice. cardinal is supposedly best in mass pvp but i personally don't really see why. eva saint is really good in general with its cooldown reduction. shillen saint is the best support with the best recharge in addition to good heals. endgame pvp groups always run with 2 healers, and the majority seem to use 1x cardinal and 1x eva's saint. but nuker groups like shillen saint as well, so it really comes down to what you wanna do mostly. shillen saint + dark elf combo is for sure the best in oly. for pve all 3 healers are roughly equally good. mostly depends on how well you can work with your class. i think that's about it
you mean for oly? i couldn't think of any other use, because it doesn't stack with enchanter buffs...
it doesnt stack with "drum", you just remove drum and use it, it gives hp and almost the same things as drum, except drum gives mana and powi gives hp. so in pvp matter, powind is better.
how many pomanders healers gets? and if i can keep the skill that i get from pomander after awakening(if i remember well after 79 lvl human can get powind with pomander)
all skills you take from pomanders before awake, are deleted after you finish awakening. drum gives you damage received from critical attacks - 30%, so sometimes for healers/mages is just better use drum instead of pow. (just now i realised it's kinda old topic :d) and about rest. end game pvp healers should take ee, even if you have two ee in party. cooldown of purges etc is what wins pvp, nor cardi nor se are so powerfull as ee in pvp. and doesnt matter if you play in mage pt or not. we were 2x ee in pt with 3 mages and we never run out of mana. you just have to play smart.
u get like 7 pomanders, but after u awake your healer, u lose all pomanders skills, so u can use them 76-84lvl only. even if u dont learn any skills, u awake your char, some healers still has pomanders in inventory, but nth changes.
duh you wont keep it. but you will get new mass ress after awakening at some lvl, so no worries at least about that