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Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Mimmy, Feb 9, 2014.

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  1. Mimmy

    Mimmy User

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    hey, i'm a newbie here in l2 and i have some questions. i'm about to ask extremely ignorant questions right know, but please be kind, i'm really new to the mmorpg world and i don't know anything..


    what is the purpose of l2 exactly? i'm doing quests right now, but they go on and on and i'm not sure if i'm supposed to keep doing them or if there's something else to do..

    how do you have fun in the game?

    are there other activities apart from fighting? like cooking, mining, fishing or something like that?

    where can you pvp?

    in which part of the world do you usually stay at?

    i'm sorry for the really dumb questions, you must probably be face-palming right now, but i really need to understand. :eek:
  2. Jarno

    Jarno User

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    main reason is mostly to have fun, play the game you love in your free time. quests are daily from lvl 1 to 99 but, from 1-85 you can avoid doing them if you want only if you find raid parties (alt+shift+p ingame to find party in all levels) , you level up to get items like weapons,armors,jewels,talismans and more. after 85 level is where real game actually starts, you login every day, doing daily quests + find xp parties in usual places like stronghold 3 (known as s3), and in other spots.

    find a mentor, join a clan, start xping and make friends, find players to make a cp (constant party). real fun starts when you join a (good) clan and start talking with ppl, get used to them, learn how they play, go to castle sieges, mass pvps, clan wars, epic raids etc. clan/cp activities (using speaking programs like team speak) is the most normal way to have fun while doing all those quests etc.

    spoil but requires to kill monsters (known as mobs) and fishing but on this update is... blahhhhh ! on next update (end of february - early march) fishing will become better.

    everywhere. there is not any spot for pvp-only , as soon as you see a flagged (purple) named player you can start attacking him using your skills. in clan wars (war between 2 clans), you must press "ctrl" from your keyboard in order to attack him.

    you don't stay in a specific part/place. world of lineage 2 is big (alt+m to use map ingame) and everyone goes everywhere. mostly for daily quests, raids, etc.

    i hope i've answered all of your questions, if you need to ask anything else, feel free to do it!

    and ,

    welcome to lineage 2 and on core server !
    Mimmy likes this.
  3. Mimmy

    Mimmy User

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    thank you so much!

    ok, i'll keep all those tips in mind!
  4. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    http://l2wiki.com/levelling_guide_before_awakening_40-84 a guide including the quests for leveling up. the quests by themselves are not enough for leveling. you will need to grind a bit. as darma said find a clan and a mentor that can assist you. the game itself is hard i warn you. if you need any tips more write here or pm me ingame or here.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2014
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