so as title say. we're currently looking for active pvp oriented cp. from 19-20:00 pm gmt + 1 to whenever you decide to stop. both of us have been playing together around 1 year so we developed somekind of a teamplay among eachother. contact us ingame 'msds or 'snifsnufe cheers.
either way if you cant find cp make your own one, cause having 2 healers from the start its makes a lot easier the search :d
first of all thank you for free bumps. teh troll even without computer you find a way to join the forum. we are aware of this , but still putting high hopes into finding something adequate and reasonable for us. had such idea , but when tank burned his computer we kinda put formating cp idea apart. on same point nowadays its hard to find people who fit your requirements and needs.
i have other pc but its soooo weak that im not even opening game cuz its pointless. still lf donations
teh & elesmira perhaps you should finally meet in 1 room ? :< thank you for the possitive feedback, daily bump.