hello all, sorry for my bad english in advance, i tried to find what changes have bean made to the olympiad reword quest, but i can not find any , because before it was 3/5/10 matches and now it is 5/10/50 and no info regarding the reword. thank you all.
5/10 matches are same as before, with 5 matches you get 1 ge and 6000 fame. with 10 matches you get 2 ge and 10.000 fame and if you complete 50 matches and you are level 99, you get 2 ge, 10.000 fame, 70kk sp scroll and 1x indomitable olympiad treasure chest that contains http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=265064 ps if you are not 99 level, just do 10 matches and get you 10 matches reward
friday and saturday. no oly on sunday. the grand olympiad is now held on fridays and saturdays from 20:00 till 00:00. the maximum amount of matches available per week was changed from 50 to 30. 10 instead of 15 matches are sufficient in order to announce the results.
somebody talked about 50matches and reciving ge, 10.000 fame, 70kk sp scroll and 1x indomitable olympiad treasure chest , so how does it work? i understand we will still have fame + 2ge reward for making 10matches in 1 oly day, so what it is this 50 matches thing then ? i understand it there is 1 more daily reward, if u do 50 matches in during 1 oly night, if i understand wrong, then explain pls
50 matches isn't daily, its not even weekly, you can do it 3x per 5 weeks with all matches done. as for the rest, read up. rewards are same.
50 matches quest is worth it only for the sp, you will need sp for ability points. ofc you will have to sacrifice the daily ge for the sp so its your choice.