so im playing on some of my boxes and i see some room named "sergei scammer octavis". im gonna have to guess v1ng is butthurted again because ppl dont take him to octavis party being a scammer. i havent done any instance with sergei for a long time. anyway would be nice if gm do something about this v1ng because im tired of seing my name in scammer room list for no reason. can i send some mail or something to complain about this? this pic i got today while i was farming in imperial tomb on box and sergei on just for mentor: i dont have any other 95+ chars so yea, its not nice when ppl block u for no reason. this images are from 2 months ago. same v1ng was dismiss from party and he pm me from some box, then again i see room "sergei scammer octavis". i wasnt even party leader, and octavis was stage 1: i only guess that this is v1ng, i dont know anyone who could be more ******ed. probably related to this real scammer post:
v1ng has been reported multiple times to be unreliable. it is very unfortunate that he still tries to deceive people like this. my adivce is to only /block people based on proof on the forums.