hi gms, i was not aware that episodeon path would _remove_ enchant levels of pre-awaken skills i have invested ~2 billion in these skills and now they are +0 (especially 1: realtarget +17 (even before the patch was announced) they are removed without any compensation. the patch notes mentioned they will not be able to be enchanted. it did not mention anything about resetting to +0. i really would like, or actually i demand a compensation for these kinds of _mega_ setback!!!! (i have screenshots as proof btw) i go cry in a corner..... ripstorm - 99 yul
interesting, https://4gameforum.com/showthread.php?t=27023&p=149467&viewfull=1#post149467 now, by "lindvior update" did they mean "before epeisodion" or "strictly in lindvior, not earlier, not later"? i heard there was a lot of flame caused by that on lilith.
ok i found the info on forum here is the link for anybody interested https://4gameforum.com/showthread.php?t=27435 basically: patch notes mention skills will !not! be reset, when it actually does they mention it is a "balance" of the game... for me this is a permanent ban on all donations to innova more than 2billion cost and a compensation of 17 essenses, which equals roughly 100 mil. why is the compensation not inline with enchanting investment? can something be done about it?
join the line.ppl in this forum flamed a lot almost 2 weeks before the update come cause it became known from the other srv that those skills will be reseted to +0 with the new update while on our patch notes the opposite had been written.many pages of complains have been written and more than 1 topics have been opened.it was known for almost 2 weeks that they will get reset.how you could possibly didn't knew? anyway you are not alone cause many are going through the same as you and nothing can be done.just next time learn not to reroll and invest on skills that are from previous chronicles cause sometime in future can be reset or even removed.not speaking for you personally but for all those who rerolled to have those skills and overenchant them and believe me they are many. now if you got those skills since long time ago and overenchant them when you saw the first patch notes what can i say?start check the forum more frequent :d
stop crying ffs and move on, do u think ppl cried too that hey wasted xx milions for h5 sets when god chronicle was comming out ?
thanks for the shortsighted comments. but whatever; basically you are turning a blind eye for robbery (albeit virtual). well i am not. since there is no police around or judges, we are left by the mercy of innova. so what can i do? its pretty simple: -misleading company that costs me adena/$$ -> equals to not shopping there anymore => ban on all $$ (at least for me). up to now most things innova did were pretty justifyable. (and yea i have been hit more offten, but there was a compensation that was adequate, and now there is not) the compensation value is about ~5% of the investment. how would you feel if they decided to delete all your stuff and give you 5% back? i'm not pissed, i am sad that this is done in a less than justifyable manner. at least the previous changes were posted correctly and handled very well.
i was not affected by that but i do support rippie in this case. he was told that would not happen and yet it did happen. patch notes are official therefore he was (we all were) officially assured by the game developers who released them. i would not have said a word here if the patch notes did not mention 2nd/3rd class skills at all, or if they said those would be reset, but they explicitly said there would occur no such reset.
no no, ncsoft does. it has been said quite a lot that innova is the official hoster of l2 in europe under license from ncsoft - the developers.