is there option to disable armor +6 +8 glow or some files that dont show the effect is just bringing much lag and make me nervous when i dont shine ^^
so far the only gold armor i have seen on server is on ireflect 3months old character :d from gravedigger cp / i hate donorz (c) nyweris
the "don't modify client files prohibited" is just ******. why ncsoft haven't done public config files and not encrypted ones to gives players the possibility to change not critical informations whatever they want in term of ui size/style/alpha/graphics quality/framerate/etc to be able tu tune the game whatever they want. this is annoying
didn't need to, you said it for me lol closing thread anyway as the question was answered and relocating it to the appropriate section. and on a side note - editing/modifying game client files is an illegal action and sanctions will be applied to anyone found to be making such actions or to anyone instructing another on how to make such actions.