did u fraps also how with several parties u tryed rush our 3-4 parties with mobs and get ***** hard even my cp was only 6 and u had allmighty trash gruzzdigger? just wondering how in selective way u chose stuff for propaganda, when your cp is few moments material in general...
did anyone post a pvp that he lost? did ever troy(i speak for troy because he is the movie maker of bs) post a pvp or mass pvp that bs lost?. why should they do that? just enjoy the video and stop seeing everywhere propaganda
i recall many videos of troy where we are losing. in most of his videos you can see many parts where we are losing. go check his channel.
you are bs and bs dont lose pvp . i have seen most of troy's video and i dont remember to see you losing at that videos, maybe you are right but i cant remember and im boring to see them again. but when someone post a video thet he wins pvp its not propaganda.
of course it is not. it is when you only post videos where you only win and cutting out of them the losing phases.
it's so damm ridiculous to come to some1 post and ask why dont post a fraps where he looses... camon, go search something to do, or post the part where they loose. propaganda is my ***(big and hairy, cuz i'm fat).
you can't even recognize a good pvp if it's not from your clan, you are so sad these days. coming here to not even comment a pvp video that is the reason of the post, go to loa again and keep thinking you are the master of this universe called core server bro. good job out there.
i wished if this whole sentence was true. no, we didn't fraps when you touched the town, and left poor leiry alone in the air (in hell binding) surrounded by smoke (party). i mean when we were playing gate war, on the same day, after you all died, except amethyst, because he rushed to the town after you died. (too easy to write such posts...i don't like it, but you started again.)
go back and keep farting if u have nothing interesting to say bs make video: "wowwww so nice video, keep posting" ba video: bunch of lowbies barking: "why u showing that, for sure u lost the rest 99% of the pvps!"
ppl! its thread about movie, not daily pvp. if u wish discuss about pvp, move to core daily discussion. @topic. nice movie, but imo u should start makind fade off video and audio. now u are cutting it, it not looks nice. its just my opinion
guys, keep your personal arguments to pm's in future and stay on the topic of discussing this video this thread was made for. any further off-topic discussions here will result in more then just your posts being deleted. regards.