dear users, as promised please find your new siege discussions thread here. now remember all that the following will not be tolerated in this thread and this is your official warning: inappropriate language - this includes avoiding the chat filters - they are there for the protection of others and if anyone repeatedly tries to avoid these filters they will receive appropriate penalties. discussing warnings/bans - self explanatory and this goes for both in game and forum penalties. any of the following types of propaganda - if you think someone is botting/exploiting a bug/committing rmt of any kind then please use the correct processes for reporting such things via support these are not appropriate discussions for the forum boards and are generally only used to start some flame war between two sets of people. all evidence provided, if any, will be investigated fully by the support team and any actions needed will be taken. any forms of discrimination - a person is exactly that, one person...he/she is not a nation and one persons actions does not speak for an entire nation so we will have no more of this type of discrimination or any other. off-topic discussions - self explanatory - if it is not about sieges then it does not belong in this thread. making things too personal - we will not tolerate anyone bringing another user's real life circumstances/family/personal details such as pictures/contact details etc into any posts on the forum boards and here is no exception. good luck and have fun on sieges. regards.
oh. it's simple. hide your dwarf somewhere and summon golem. cast time is around 3 mins need c grade gems and/or crystals if i'm not wrong. and than target wall and distroy
its slow as hell , better go and hit wallz with hands . pretty sure u will destroy for same time as the golem will
i heard will rain with bs blood so... be carefful ur cannon might not light mate..cheers and i can w8 this siege...
i think in aden i gona be perma dead -to much action on aden sidge -i prefer sumon it safely and try shoot -1-2 times to make some fotos and enjoy my dorf pride !
try testing with some clan with the one your clan dont have a bad relationship, for sure they will allow you. ofc dont try to ninja xd
for sure not only bs, and yes, no matter the result of this aden siege, for sure will be a very nice siege.