and just a notice, ninja port means, wait almost 1 hour near klemis for some pvp, while ba+rg makin oly like a boss, some dude appear, they hit the ground and go to village. so that means ninja port. about siege.. rg regroup at castle. and i dont care how much amethyst smash ppl, it was fun to me, but i guess he make a good job, cause everyone cry about that. (oke, now cry a little about tons of gear, after cry about bots, and than some programs pls)
#carpet #bsscripters #bsbots #friendlyfireexcusecuzwecantfindanybetter #bspazak #takingeverydragonandstillthesituationinmasspvpdoesntchange
#biglicker #lickmore #bonusdkpforlicking #bsdkpstrunglingcuzofnodrop #bsslowingdieying #praythenewrulleroftheserver #ba>bs
so whos this guy that was pmed to join ba? don't let it go over 3 pages or it might look just a biiiit suspicious!
and where you been in antharas pvp? hide not flagged behind heart like almost all ltu do all the time?
looks like we talk about 2 different dragons and different times. but keep goin. you are funny. even if only you like yourslef
is this brainwashing coming in mass production when you enter your clans? they put you in some kind of brainwashing machine in groups of 7? hi fanboy :d
looks like those "polska hearts" leaders washed your brains. but look at bright side. your head is shining from inside )