my party is hnofs, yozmul, kicky0urass, shanksu, nubcake, savara and nirvanafrik and we would have to deal with some "top core cps" to be able to say we are in some super famouse top ranking i guess. anything else is merely speculation
my party is hnofs, yozmul, kicky0urass, shanksu, nubcake, savara and nirvanafrik and we would have to deal with some "top core cps" to be able to say we are in some super famouse top ranking i guess. anything else is merely speculation
severance will make 4th side until one dark morning they gonna wake up with ba ally crest. ba will take top parties and kick them from ally killing the clan. does this reminds you of anything? i said it first, here 19.12.2014.
severance will make 4th side until one dark morning they gonna wake up with ba ally crest. ba will take top parties and kick them from ally killing the clan. does this reminds you of anything? i said it first, here 19.12.2014.
top parties of enclave vlm (now ba) axarius (now bs) atlantis (now disbanded) chuna (now in a break) how can u predict the future if the past did not happened ??? also how do magnets work pls someone explain
top parties of enclave vlm (now ba) axarius (now bs) atlantis (now disbanded) chuna (now in a break) how can u predict the future if the past did not happened ??? also how do magnets work pls someone explain
i think axarius dropped clan earlier this evening but i'm not sure. did i say anything about enclave though? i was talking about evicties and dragonhunters o.o about magnet i can explain you but i'm too lazy to type. you can join bs teamspeak and i can try to explain you there. my prophecy will come true in 2 weeks +-
i think axarius dropped clan earlier this evening but i'm not sure. did i say anything about enclave though? i was talking about evicties and dragonhunters o.o about magnet i can explain you but i'm too lazy to type. you can join bs teamspeak and i can try to explain you there. my prophecy will come true in 2 weeks +-
now waiting for 7sins get kicked from bs ally :d to make circle .. ba had ally with enclave and rg , one clan broke and other left ally , now bs time :d and i doubt severance join ba in ally ,but i might be wrong p.s what dh and evictis has to do with this server? :d make better example cause those clan's doesn't really counts :d
now waiting for 7sins get kicked from bs ally :d to make circle .. ba had ally with enclave and rg , one clan broke and other left ally , now bs time :d and i doubt severance join ba in ally ,but i might be wrong p.s what dh and evictis has to do with this server? :d make better example cause those clan's doesn't really counts :d