anyone have any news on lineage eternal??? i played lineage 1 for very long time and have tried lineage2 but it was just so full of bots i couldnt stand it! anyway, my old char in lineage 1 was named botnaked or ladygrrr. i am just looking for info on the danm game that was suppose to be released this year! thanx guys!
omaga i m not counting a games years ... i said aproximatly as u can see ? jesus this haters and them forums and much theory
dude,this game is not going to be the sequel of l2 in any possible way,beside using the "lineage" brand isn't going to be an mmorpg. it was just a rumor started before nexon taken over ncsoft and revised all their projects and costs so l2 eternal had his funds cut to half and developed more into something like diablo 2/3 rather than a full-working mmo like lineage 2. anyway the release is supposed to be around winter 2014, i'm not sure if they have plans to run a beta or not,which it may delay the time window.
lineage 3 was in the works but the source code was stolen by a few programmers who switched companies. that source code was put to work in the game tera. lineage 3 was scrapped because of this and then lineage eternal was put into production, and they completely revamped their game from what i see in lineage eternal videos compared to what i played in tera. nc soft stated quite a few months ago that lineage eternal beta would be out sometime late in 2014, after wildstar launches. edit: also, lineage eternal is going to be a squeal set in place a few hundred years after lineage 1. they are both based in the same world. lineage 2 is set in an alternate reality from lineage 1.