i'd like to know how yul is, never was an archer before, but i've always wanted to try. i'm really noob about this class and hope you guys can give me any clues? (i'm kamael trickster btw). about dmg, pvp, olympiad, dyes, bow or crossbow...i'll really appreciate it!
it depends on playstyle, xbow has its advanatge in specific situations, but need rly skilled person to understand and use it. overal use bow. in next update probably all tricktsers gonna use xbow perma but till this time we still have few / several moths.
if you are trickster base(i mean, kamael), u can keep the old fast attack, instead of changing to quick fire. why? perma +12% attack speed, and the fact that xbow is faster and have haste s.a. the p.attack matter change very little in matter of skill damage, so you beeing fast is the key for beeing stronger. if you are low lvl, dont mind and reroll, it's fast to exp and worth to keep that skill.
any sources for the changes on trickster in ertheia? according to lineage2media.com tricksters in ertheia have 15% patk and 15% pvp dmg on superior instinct mastery, but this will count for normal bows too i believe. i've heard before too about tricksters getting special crossbow mastery, but i can't find anything on this.
terragamers was saying that tricksters would had crossbow only mastery for 15% more pvp damage. but the site is not available anymore so...just wait and see.
thank you all for your answers! i read somewhere on experimentarium that atm bow > pve, xbow > pvp. but it's true can't see much ppl with xbow. any of you can give me some advice about subclass skills? i'm not sure about them, def, evasion, haste, critical...4 in mind and just 3 to choose :/ edit: guys, i've just found this http://translate.google.es/translat...oard/tsnotice/view?articleid=563548&sandbox=1 patch notes. and seems like the p.atack reduction from quick fire skill is removed and i think the damage with xbow for trickster, is aumented (the google translation from korean is a **** xd)
but given the fact that at 99 lvl, very ppl are sooo high damage, i don't think a 4% as much gonna make much difference :/ considering i will go for xbow at 99 (next update will need as trickster, much more dmg than bow) haste + focus sa, and all my skills are evasion/atk.speed/critic/accuracy. maybe should i make more powerful these skills?
wot? if u will care about the dmg that u will get at 99, then just simply dont exp to 99, cuz yes, it will be a lot as dd (archer), mostly from feoh and othell. the reason that ive taked those skills is because, from all the list that u can pick, theyre the less worst, and, tbh, even if u dont pick them, u woulndt note a big difference.
i guess the subclass skills (not dual) now a days is just for take something xd dualclass skill is what make any difference i think. thanks for answer!
yes it does, for dual skills on archer: masterâ´s rage: more offensive with these 27% in dmg increase from skills, have in mind that its very low change to trigger and since its skill power, if u will take another dd as dual, it will work ok for it too (unless u take wynn xd). light of protection: more deffensive cuz the 27% pdef/mdef, it trigger prety often and is usefull if your dual will be support type, i dont like it tbh, cuz the simple fact that u are dd, and are supposed to do as many dmg as u can. both of them need 3 certis, so, dual has to be 95. if u manage to lvl up 99/99, for the last skill you can take w/e pasive lvl 1 that u want, since its not that much bonus. pdef/mdef, atk spd/cast spd (wich i doubt that u will need if u would use xbow haste) or even hp increase.