hello everyone, i was wondering what the best thing to purchase from the l2 store to sell for adena is? i was analyzing what people were buying and the best prices things go for, and i think it is golden crates at 4.25 euro and they usually sell for 50kk (~5kk). what do you guys think? is there something else that will net me more adena for the same, or less, euro?
the golden chests sell for right around 50kk at 4.15 euro. that would be an equivalent of 12kk per 1 euro spent. i sold quite a few at 50kk in aden as i find a lot of people trying to sell them for 56kk+. i have seen people talk in trade chat wanting to buy l2 store items at a 15kk : 1 euro ratio, but if you do that you may get some scammers. if i find anything better than golden chests, i will let you guys know. i will keep an eye on this market when i need to get more adena.
how is it possible to scam? do you cant sell the chest via private store? so you have to give them as a gift?
he means that if you are willing to sell items from l2store that are not tradeable you can get scammed. most of the time they say 1:15 rate, but than you can be sure its scammer