playing tank nowadays is boring and repetitive, and im really bored of it. somebody know some info about new update, even tho is far and exp/sp new zones, if theres something new, cause im really bored of aggro run for not hours, for days played, or maybe i should already sell eternal and seraph heavy set and get leather for just playing dualclass with yul? what would you guys do if you get bored from a class, will you give it a time and see if it changes?
when it comes to advice, just keep playing your main class, everyone ends up in a slump eventually, but there are better days and worse days ( based on experience of playing a healer main, realy painful sometimes, but there are rewarding moments )
my friend iss likes to play a bit with her dual tyrr, every now and then, a daily quest or something, then she enthusiastically returns to playing main class. as for me, i played tanks since gracia epilogue, awesome class, can't get bored with it.
yeah, playing healer is ****ed up, sometimes i wish to just play dd from begining. yeah i doesnt consider this piece of **** wynn as dd, maby bot on pve @topic, at least lvl 99 tank can kill sometimes merchant solo and get 10kk adena where this ****ing ncsoft nerfed to the ground eveyrthing in this game
the game itselft is boring because its so gear dependant, at least for tanks. u can have all the skills in the world but u cant win vs a handless +8 pvp armor donor. thats why i sometimes quit for a few months because i get sick of it.
its always better place where you are not at :d for example my main is yul and i would like to have smth else cus it got low dmg since all got +1k~ def after update, only 1 ultimate compared to othel's 4 or 6 ultimates, no hp restoration, uber def, hp like tyrr and so on... and norakian likes it since its his sub and he probably is not "forced" to play it- i dont like my yul as much as my sub healer while others hate playing healer as main bcs i probably dont know much about healers drawbacks while playing as main thing is, that whatever you take as main you will learn that class cons very well, so well that you think its crappy class and you just ignore or wont notice its pros.
that some ppl has pvp armor doesnt mean he is donor. ofc there are such examples but many ppl got pvp armor through regular gainak farm (like my cp) since begining of lindvior when noone else almost knew about those mobs droping pvp stones. ofc game base on gear much (like most mmo i would say) but noone told u that u are suppose to fight vs ppl in top clans if u are just casual w/o destination to be top u have enough pvp of your lvl fighting in liddle pve/pvp clans, dont you?
archer is also repetitive tho. if you feel so bored you must find multi-task class. i advice iss/healer/tyrr/wynn for that.
well, that is why you can have dual class up to 99 so if you will get bored you can still play something else...
not that easy. dual class requires it's own dual/sub passive, and it's not nice to spend 10kk each time you use it. for exemple, archer main, no good dual skills for mage/healer and etc;
this +1 tank will get some skill power on skills and class specified knight frenzy they gonna change orbis/dv to solo/small pt zone the pvp stones will be still hard to obtain if you dont p2w/camp 24/7 gainak
your right norekian, ppl complain about us tanks leaving cr/hb partys after 1-2 hours but they probly never done hate/kite straight without break for multiple hours sadly tanks arent tankers atm, we are kiters that take 1-3 more hits then anybody else can .
this is not true dual should be 95 becouse of leveling over and over on same spots... even when you have 99x2 you can't play what you whants (tank-> wynn, iss for oly) or (tank -> tyrr, iss for same hvy set) xd so dualclass is not a rescue ) and yeah you cant take tank on dual too !! ;(( it's can be bored : -> octavis raid (crazy asians) xd -> today daggers a little op on oly so this is a second (-); "only not this dagger !" -> place like cr when you running like..... specialy in an random pt - nightmare playing on tank you should love farming by hours + teamplay. so tank = farmer (for many) but every tank after months of kiting/running/making circles.... needs a rest (at least !) -> get a break xd \\ about sitting in some little clan after 99 .... plzz xxdd for now on little clan only for exp//farm+ 0 war tag//fun//raids after 95 ->> cp only yeah, i'am waitng for it tooo :d so myby october will change something (new chronicle) always blame healer ? huh when some random will qq too mucho just burn pr its always hurts or block them allll !