Hello, fellows, I would like to present you a new contest to give you some fun before we release anniversary event. The rules are very simple: I give you a gif image, and you make a sentence explaining what's happening in connection with Lineage 2. If you want to, you may edit the image. Here's a gif image for you to think about: Spoiler And here's my version: Hands off, that epic is mine! On Tuesday (13th of May) during the maintenance we will pick one most witty slogan and award the winner with a nice Agathion: Black Maneki Neko, which lasts 7 days and has the ability of Blessed Escape (cool down is 12 hours) Good luck and great inspiration to all participants!
- change party loot, it is finders keepers! uglymonkey has log out. !uglymonkey cartina scammer! beware!
Lol trust you guys to mostly come up with scammer comments...Ok ok in the spirit of that then: "Monkey see...monkey do..."