all mos upper room taken by bots every room iss+summoner controlled by some polish botking. can 1gm go there maybe once a week and clean the bots form server? or you want me to upload fraps? how the bot react?
dude, let me explain u it in 1 sentence "there is no official server without bots, they're here, they're being banned, they are reported and investigated"
same thing, over and over again. yes, names/screenshots/fraps, whatever you think is best, send it to support at forum staff does not deal with in-game things according to what they said numerous times. such reports, once sent to support, are going to be investigated as innova does not ban anyone unless proven guilty. also, you may want to know that quite often those are semi-bots, mouse scripts, multi-accounts, a group of players controlling several rooms, helping each other to keep trespassers out.
they took ur spot for botting so u came here cry or what? fraps/screen their nicks and send it to support
what? i just joined the server 2days ago and people told me mos upper its good spot for farm adena so i went there as i noticed all room were taken,after a while i noticed all room are protected by few people that control the whole mos with pk char ready and lvl99 chars to protected them. p.s maybe you try go there yourself and see it yourself lol gotta upload fraps tonight if i got free time.
hello, in order to report a bot / rmt you need to log into support center and send screenshot / video right there. regards
what kind of childish response was that? he said what he observed and confirmed what i also observed so unless you have anything useful to say, say nothing.
what about author whos asking if boting is allowed and starting 10th useless topic instead of putting this effort here.
i wonder what for ncsoft added a magic button called "bot report button"? is idiotic to fraps and etc, while gm should check it after someone press the button but it's seems that gm's here, would like to get ready pointless fraps, which proves nothing! congrantz
this button worked only once. when i played in naia. on one of bots in mahums. so if you wanted pvp you goin there, /target scatter (he was 24/7 there) press that button and he flag. you kil him. than logs his owner hero pr. on ud. so you kite ud and kil him. and again same story )
guys, i don't know why you bother trolling each other, the author asked a simple question and he was correctly directed to support. the bot reporting button in game is not working, this is known by the developers, when they fix it they fix it, there is nothing any of us can do about that. if you suspect botting or rmt then report it via a ticket to support. bot reports should always contain the nicknames of the suspected bots so that the team can get straight onto investigating those accusations. remember that this is not always simple or fast process and in some cases can take longer periods of time to investigate. the rest of you take your arguments with each other elsewhere, preferably pm's and stop turning every single thread into an opportunity to flame each other.