not sure who is worse nemesys boyfriend ipwn or syra ... anyway pls quit already why we still have videos in forum whit u ..
try to do same as fortune seeker, without hero feed, and all pvp mods. then ill admit youre rly good, cuz now its all about faceroll the keyboard.
is so easy talk when you fight vs ppl with less items , example first 6 min the noob syra with sepsa cp vs sprtc cp + skizzik cp +maximo cp + indians cp + bugaimer cp ( at the end) yes so pro
much bla bla bla but at the end always the same you lose qq we have more items you win ^_^ we are noob you and your firend are the best anything else?... ho wait "syra you are noob feoh" "syra f1 f3" ... more? no .
there are: syra the no-gloom girl, syra the no-snare girl, syra the no-"talk english" girl. and no1 mention you as the one that make a difference, ppl tell that, for exemple, alarion party have around 4 pvp sets and many jewels, skill enchant etc. same as sepsa parties, and both parties have hero healer. that something that would make difference, not just the overgear.