hi there, the enter chat functionnality is kinda broken. really, really often, when i try to type a message, an event occurs ingame, like party loot change request, clan member logging or i don't know what other ingame actions and it just break the enter chat. let me explain with an example : you type "enter" to start your enter chat, then start typing your message, and if some event occurs during your message typing, enterchat stops, and all your sentence typing just launch all regulars shortcuts (opening macro window, opening skills windows, expanding/reducing the 4 skills bars....) which is..... really really annoying. for information i'm using windows 7 64 bits, and playing in windowed mode.
same here. using ultimate evasion, hide and angel of death when just trying to send a message is really annoying!
uhh, you're clumsy mate, so reckless, hah. on topic, a few people i know have always played with enter chat on and most of them do not experience any of the issues you mentioned, guys. might be an individual problem.
maybe it is a combo from more than 1 (choose from list): - enter chat option - windowed mode - windows 7 - windows 64 bits - awesome char/player :d but i doubt that, it happens only when something particular happens ingame (party matching window refreshing, some /invite, /commandchannelinvite, etc etc)
guys this is a bug report section not a discussion section so unless you are posting a bug report please refrain from posting here. regards.