how does the str and dex work, which is the best way to setup a dagger? mixed str/dex or full dex or full str recommented race to start with darkelf,human or elf a good setup end game dualclass.dyes.epic jewels i ill update the post when i ll remember some other questions i had
dex dex dex dex dex dex dex dex dex dex dex and if you want more info there is a good knowledge base here : .
what about the race skills i am thinking of disparition and savege any suggestion or advice? ^^ upupuppupu
sry mate ,but rly can't agree about salvage being useless imo 1 of best we could possibly get from it ,if char is pure pve orient for pve salvage+undying, for pvp undying +dispartion ,my 2 cents rgrds.
what dagger goes for pve ? dagger created to kill ppl not mobs qq savage is good if u want to lose p def and m def for nothing first of all, have u noticed ur blows damage during raps? i think no if u think savage is good blow damage doesnt changes at all even u have +100% p atk qq again. ok also savage gives atk spd, wow when u have 1500 atk speed, savage rly helps. i personally have undying+disparition, but in some cases unbind+disparition would be better however on undying u can use safely hide or try two more lucky stabs and bsoe ))