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Lets start riot !!

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by lempartus, Jun 30, 2014.

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  1. HDinHD

    HDinHD User

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    innova: plz go a way, there's nothing to watch

    Katulis likes this.
  2. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    btw since our forum is really cat friendly...


    for those who do not read anything else if it doesn't have a cat somewhere included.
  3. Zizka

    Zizka User

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    to our enemies: stop aq "propaganda". all the time when we say you use clickers to enter every instance you say "but you used poison zone to bug loot". using ingame bugs (or mechanics whatever u wanna call it) is not the same as using third party software!!! we used to get every epic not because we used bugs but because you were dead long before approaching raids. now you just rush to npc, die and use clickers. clickers is what we "cry" against, not loosing epics.
    this riot in my mind is not caused by reasons like we lost castle or we lost epics. it is that we don't want to play against machines (otherwise we would play single player games). we don't want our months or years efforts be destroyed by putting important items (epics, enchants, equipment, talismans) in l2 store boxes.
    procc, Xaroulis, Katulis and 11 others like this.
  4. panchomon

    panchomon User

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    camon kidssssssssss pekena make in shout 10 hours ago sell and atm continued hahaha autoclick dude ? can you see in turnon live tv ;)
    if gm can not enter and verify that many consecutive times click-character skills or use the same humanly impossible in over 5 hours to better find another job?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2014
  5. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    and please dont answer now we are using soft to see who is your cc leader... :/
    Melll, Kem and Fatty like this.
  6. panchomon

    panchomon User

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    pls turn of live aden riot or autoclickers shot maybe off :d
  7. NiNeTT

    NiNeTT User

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    can you show us how to do it?

    -talk with npc
    -click the opcion in npc

    all in 0,30 seg

    no bs ba rg or any player for this topic .

    you want bots/programs in server? so say it , this is not a clan fight
  8. HDinHD

    HDinHD User

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    just make ninja update with "dead person cant talk and make action with npc" and problem solved, right ?
  9. sh1ny

    sh1ny User

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    you cannot talk with npc while dead.
  10. panchomon

    panchomon User

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    lol i think if mannor is open same problem to change seeds lolololol

    and coc ? cant enter first steps... autoclickers ? o bot !!!
  11. Melll

    Melll User

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    far now we know that gms let u use and enter epics with bots

    and ba are bad ones.....
  12. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    ye ok. swallow your blackangel spirit for once mel and realise that exactly the same can be said by bs members for you. the point ain't who uses them who used it first or whatever, because pointing fingers is stupid and childish. point is to not be used at all by anyone.

    we are ******* proud to come and say to newbies on server that this is not ncwest. what is the difference though? bots are chillin in the same spots they did and still do on west. bots are fishing. bots are being rewarded with the agathions for that fishing. do i need to go further and name? core right now reminds any ncwest server 6 months after god was released. stop it now that it is early.
    panchomon likes this.
  13. Akujiki

    Akujiki User

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    blame horatio since he left we are going down non stop :rolleyes:
  14. ToTisNotKind

    ToTisNotKind User

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    actualy, you can't fight vs bots at all. game developpement is too oldschool compared evolutions of bots. the game is nice to fight for 1 place but that system to enter is a great failure.
    but you can have tones of solutions like :
    - wow style : raid for all tagged by cc (but all cc can farm those epics, but withthat boxes p2w it balance ppl w/o euros)
    - using kind of captch ( 5+2 *2)
    - non fixed link/texte to click + link appear on different areas + mb 1 link on 3 working ?
    - npc to enter stay alive all the time + if bot spam click, there are 10 sec delay for each clic, it means if respawn = sec 50 and if you click on 46 it means server can anwer you new page on sec 56

    you have tones of solutions to limit the cheat. ofc nothing is perfect but atleast developpers should fix this instead of passing time for features like adenas sharing in pt or w/e. they should be advert about community priorities wich pay them! no community = no money = no devs simple circle.

    i guess innova today is in a big impasse, they can't change/dev the game bcoz of their licence/contract.
    but atleast they can dedect bots logs spam actions from l2 clients and ban clan leader of cc of that actions. (w/o those 3 chances or 7/15/30days)

    so today lineage 2 eu / innova taking a turn :
    - follow developpers w/o having control of their game and bots keep growing up
    - track as hell cheater & giving huge penality to cheaters to give more responsibilities to ppl.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2014
    Schofield likes this.
  15. Melll

    Melll User

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    bots are here longer tha u play this server. ba send all informations to gms about illegal software same month we created the clan aka 9 months ago. and we didnt make some silly cries on forum. u didnt bother because u were winning everything, now u coming with that on forum, same moment u lost most of important heroes, same moment u not only loosing sieges but u simply getting "tractorized" there. such a coinsidence u started to bother this
  16. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    k /10chars
  17. Maximo

    Maximo User

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    hi to all,

    interesting post, that have not seen in a forum of l2 for much time. so first of all gratz to all those statements that you write , and this in not a troll lempartus. i not write often to forum, so before any1 start saying what ever he wants, i say again it is not a troll.
    the problem is that it took some time for you to check out and see all that stuff. and you do it now... but anyway, thats not a problem for me or my clan to be honest.
    when i came to the server, i tried and retried and retried, but in general no one cared about all that, and of course i speak about the "whoever" runs the srvr, and i say "whoever", cause i not see gms in my opinion. i see just some employees of a company, that its objective is to make money, and thats true, we like it or not. but gm should be a gm. and i note to you, that when i was doing it, ppl where saying that i am a crying b***c. but nevermind... thats the way it is. all i have to say about that part of your statements, is that you are partially correct, but as all know your clan has taken advantage of exploits and other stuff, but again nevermind...
    if you really wanted to change something to a srvr bro you not go on riot alone. on 99% of l2 srvrs there are 2 sides. and they play on the same srvr. so maybe (i say maybe) you should have came to talk to me, for try to have a better srvr playground....!! but u do that alone... but nemermind again!!!
    about accussing in general as i see for programs, (that i have done it too, with petitions, but i stopped, cause the "whoever" dont care, or asks me to give him prove, like he not know how to use gm tools from his client, or he is not logging in afternoons or night on when ever big srvr events are up), you cannot be serius bro. cause the 2 sides of the srvr are going in instances on approximatelly 50% rate. if my side was on bot mode i would have taken all instances from day number one that i came back to game, and castle too. so, i hope your accussations, that i comment again are in general mode, should be a bit more specific, or not make them at all.

    and about the services of the srvr are for the ppl that have credit cards or big wallets, so dont give me that crying mode that your dont like it or what ever. i not have money to play l2store (cause in my opinion is another game), but i am here and stand and i fight, i just dont care for the credit cards, its their own personal choice. bottom line you have players of that mode in your clan, and i have too. and i repeat: its their own personal choice.

    about the "circus" that you note in your statements, you are a part of it too, for i dont know how long time, but now cause my side is on winning mode, you make a choice to make a riot for what?? why didnt you do it last year??? give me a good reason why???? but nevermind again.

    so next time dont embarrass, writing what ever you want just cause you cannot keep up with my clans power rizing. in 10 months managed to balance srvr, and now win more times than loose. and will keep on trying it until we win it all if we can.
    and i will tell you a big truth bro after 10 years l2, 8 years cl, about clans/wars/sieges/dragons and what ever we both fight for, as pixel sides. so read this well: its a game of mistakes. who ever make less mistakes wins. and you do a lot.

    thats all from the old schools underground...
    the rest in game or ts if you like to talk, especially if you want to clean up the srvr and keep fighting each other on a healthy playground, to enjoy the game.

    IamDan, Darkelendra, RedWind and 10 others like this.
  18. iErui

    iErui User

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    is so funny ppl like totis and alarion talking about bots..still remember when mighty alarion was doing trains in loa with his friend fenris sended like i dunno how many videos in support answer was not enough proofs.what to say about totis and his box randomm he is deloging in hb solo spot immediately when i am near even on hide.its just hillarious what kind of ppl you are and what you try to do when you lose.
  19. randomm

    randomm User

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    i am not toti's box :))) and for sure when he logs me i am not in bot mode cause if i get ban because he would bot my char i would kill him. simple as that....
  20. Passkey

    Passkey User

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    hello everyone!

    straight to the point:

    rioting is not an option
    as far as i know, we always answer the questions you want us to answer. it may take some time, as we discuss the issue with the whole team and, as long as lineage ii is our mutual project, with our russian colleagues, too. personally, i do not remember a single topic you asked us something important and we left it unanswered, shall it concern l2 store, bots, third-party software or any other issue. that is why you do not need to riot, actually: there is nothing to riot against, there is nothing to riot for. if you want to ask us something, just do: create a topic on the forum, invite players from your clan, support and like your message, and we will immediately notice that. in-game rioting will only lead to confusing your fellow players and additional lagging in towns.

    3rd party software
    we got the point. the thing is, i was asking for a link to make it easier in the logs to find the violators. without the link we won’t have enough evidence when checking the logs, at least for that time, as the issue is being currently discussed with our korean partners: please be sure we’ll introduce a way out of the situation described here.

    this sudden riot was caused by the fact that we do not answer in the ticket mentioned above, but:
    - we are aware of the issue and we are working on it;
    - even if we find some cases, we do not have to disclose this information to other players, although we can take all the necessary measures;
    - if we do not find any 3rd party software, it may mean there is not any; either it may mean that we still lack enough info to work on this topic;

    to sum up,
    1) no need to make such a mess next time, a common petition will do;
    2) we will ask for your cooperation in the tickets, as i believe it is our mutual task to make this server better;
    3) lack of answers in tickets does not mean the lack of our awareness of the problem;
    4) the problem in question is being discussed with our korean developers and you will know the result once it is there.
    Yurikami and R4inm4n like this.
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