long story in short : nerf this drop , nerf that char , nerf the whole system another p2w store update to boost the totally random people and waste the work of the big clans this is the new ertheia
the only legit forum out there is http://boards.rochand.com/index.php . whatever you'll read there might be rumors. actually it's 50-50 what we are gonna see on ertheia. ncwest will get the update this summer , so , i think we might gonna read them soon.
- planned features of the update (weapons, vehicles ...) - only two cl*****, both for soloing and support in mass pvp - official name for the arteia update : the epic tale of aden - strangers from another dimension. pts on november 27 - korean preview website and two videos featuring the new cl***** - the english name will be ertheia, not arteias - first patch note for ertheia pts : 27/11/2013 - two more stats added for all characters : cha (charism) and luc (luck) http://my.mmosite.com/2939211/blog/item/lineage_2_ertheia_skillsstats_preview_by_rokwood.html